Word apathy

Oct 25, 2010 18:21

Its one of those things that I so very rarely talk about, but I really do think that our entire existence is completely fictional. How can I say this? Case and point, words themselves. Why do words mean the thing they mean? Why does the word cow mean the animal cow? What makes animal different from person? These are all simply representative. All words are representative of things. So in the end, everything we say or write is completely based off of a social construct.

As a social construct, it constantly changes form. One day a word like gay will mean happy and the next it will mean homosexual. So in the end, words aren't even static. The things we say to each other can be taken completely out of context by the next generation, and future generations after that.

The funny thing is, writing is something created, at first, to record taxes and do bookkeeping. Something that has driven culture through the world was first started to keep track of money. How sad is that?

With that said and done, its really made me a firm believer that anything anyone ever says shouldn't be taken to heart. Some stranger shouting "Hey faggot!" out his window doesn't really change my life any. They are just words. Words that once upon a time referred to a bundle of sticks. So really, that guy is probably just trying to get the attention of the bundle of sticks that I'm walking past.

No big deal.

blog: sylarforever

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