Playing Doctor - Sylar, Bennet

Oct 01, 2010 14:57

Character: Sylar, Bennet
Fandom: Heroes
Word count: 385
Rating: PG
Prompts: #095 I knew you were coming for 100_fairytales 17/100
Notes: After Fallout, written for keep_them_safe

When I was twelve I followed my friend Mike into the walk in freezer at his grandfather’s butcher shop. It was so cold inside that I could see my breath, and my teeth were chattering after only a few minutes. Mike’s big brother dared us to see how long we could stay inside. Our lips were blue when Mike’s mom found out what we’d done, and I’d never been more grateful for a bowl of minestrone in my life.

Right now I’d kill for a bowl of that soup as the cold of the cell worked its way through my body. Every inch of my skin feels brittle, and my bones are aching not only from my fall but from the cold as well. They’ve dressed me in thin scrubs, and I’m surrounded by dirty gray walls. It’s almost like being inside of my brain. I bet this is what it’s like where I shoved Gabriel.

My powers are gone. I don’t know what they’ve done to me, but I will figure it out. I can hear them coming. The gurney they’re rolling down the hallway has a bad wheel. It squeaks and wobbles like a bad shopping cart. My guts clench up, fear spiking through me of what they’ll do to me today. Ever since Eden’s unfortunate accident they’ve taken to making sure that everything they do to me hurts.

“Get that thing down to the lab. Take him apart until you find out how he works,” I hear Bennet barking the order to his people.

The lights are flipped on, glaring white to blind me, and I’ve got to cover my face with my arms. I’m tucked into the corner of the cell, as far from the door as I can be, shivering from the pervasive cold, when they come in, dressed in their crisp lab coats while they pretend to be medical professionals.

“Get up, Gabriel.” I look from between my arms at Bennet’s glowering face. “It’s time to go.”

“Gee, Bennet,” I snap as they reach for me. Latex covered hands, getting a grip on my arms and forcing me to my feet while the sharp pain of a needle being driven into my neck makes me wince. “If I’d have known you wanted to play Doctor, I’d have shaved first.”

100 Fairytales Table

char - bennet, what - fic, comm - 100_fairytales

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