From Twitter 09-30-2010

Oct 01, 2010 04:00

  • This is an ideal time to begin a new course of study, as today... More for Leo
  • Good Morning! We have thunder and SUNSHINE. I love SoCal.
  • @ empath_peter No wind at all for us, and the thunder stopped.
  • @ AmesinChange @empath_peter I used to live in Hawai'i. I do not miss the daily downpour. I'm doing better.
  • @ empath_peter @AmesinChange Weather control is spiffy, but I don't like to use it too much. It's another butterfly killer.
  • @ AmesinChange @empath_peter It's raining now, coming down pretty hard. It smells like thunder too.
  • @ empath_peter @AmesinChange Empathy?
  • @ empath_peter @AmesinChange My real mother could do that.
  • ((Gus loves the rain. He is such a happy dog.))
  • @ AmesinChange @empath_peter I remember her a little. When I was running the Company for Angela, I found out who she was.
  • @ AmesinChange I'd prefer not to say, sorry. It could cause some problems.
  • Drabble - Bond for @ graylikeme -
  • Damn LJ is SLOOOOOOOOOWWWWW today.
  • @ vampire_peter @graylikeme (So back to the diner with @drgabrielgray?)
  • @ vampire_peter @graylikeme "The problem with that plan, is who would take over. I mean yeah, we're still going to have to deal with whoever-
  • @ vampire_peter @graylikeme takes over for Noah when he's dead." I frown and fidget, playing with my watch a bit. "And it can't be me."
  • @ empath_peter It has been raining pretty hard (by SoCal standards) off and on. Still no wind at all. It's weird.
  • @ empath_peter The air smells good though, so that's nice. Hope it rained enough to clean the oil off the roads too. Be careful.
  • ((*slaps muse* No you do not miss running the Company.))
  • @ empath_peter Can't wait, babe. *grins*
  • @ MichelleLindy I do sometimes. I was good at it.
  • @ MichelleLindy I can't do that again. They betrayed me in the end, and I'd be dead if @graylikeme hadn't come back.
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter That's when the idea hits, listening to Peter talk about Nathan taking over. No way if fucking hell should -
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter Nathan run anything, but I have a better idea. "I'm not the only Sylar who's run something big like the Company.-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter Why doesn't vSylar take it over? He ran his country where you came from. He's smart. He's a little ruthless, but-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter fuck it. So am I."
  • It is pouring. @ empath_peter you have better be careful. I do not want you getting hurt coming to spend time with me.
  • @ empath_peter I'll see you soon then.
  • @ MichelleLindy LMAO I LOVE THAT.
  • RT @MichelleLindy: @ TheWatchmaker
  • @ vampire_peter @graylikeme "I'm your fail safe." Because there's no doubt in my mind that Gabe and I could take out anyone if we had to, -
  • @ vampire_peter @graylikeme including vSylar. "One of us has to do it, and he's the most qualified." Next to me. "It'd keep another Noah or-
  • @ vampire_peter @graylikeme Angela from moving in. And isn't that a win/win for us all?"
  • @ Delicious_Bites ((I'm sorry. I'm RPing with my group.))
  • @ empath_peter Yay! *blinks* Christ you made me say 'yay'. I'll hit BevMo on the way over.
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter "Honestly I don't see us all getting together any time soon. We're the reasonable ones. Hell vSylar's less of a-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter shit than @heartofmurder. It's one thing to plan destruction. That's easy, but we need to have the next step-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter ready in advance. No vacuum to be filled by someone we can't trust."
  • @ empath_peter You are such a pain in the ass, Petrelli.
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter "You didn't stand a chance, Peter." I give him a smile and chuckle, then bump shoulders with Gabe. "There are -
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter three of us, and only one of you. Is there anyway to get vSylar in position without the big fight? That would-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter humiliate Bennet, and get us all the safety we need."
  • @ vampire_peter @graylikeme ((I love RPing with you guys so much. I <3 that we are making this whole thing up as we go. No plan, just plot.))
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter He got Eden. God I still wish I'd gotten her. I can feel Peter's anger hit drinking from a fire hose. I'm a -
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter bit shocked at how protective he is of Dr. Gray, but then he is Peter. "I don't know. That could work. But I -
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter could try to get to Noah too." I lean my head back and let out a heavy sigh. "Angela runs the show, right? She's-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter the one we have to work on." It makes my skin crawl just thinking of it, but she is the key.
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter "So we've got one Noah in our pocket already. This just got a whole lot easier. Any chance of biting the other-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter one? Would he be under your control too then Peter or only vSylar? We're new to the vampire thing."
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter I give Dr. Gray a big smile. "I'd want to do it too. The vampire thing, not the biting Noah part." I stick out-
  • @ graylikeme @vampire_peter my tongue to get the imaginary taste off of it. "I am so tempted to copy his DNA from you."
  • @ empath_peter What are you doing?
  • @ empath_peter *kiss* Love you too.
  • @ vampire_sylar txt I need to see you when you have time.
  • @ empath_peter Having fun? It's beautiful tonight isn't it?
  • @ empath_peter *grabs your hand* Had so much fun. Can't wait to see what we can get away with tomorrow.
  • @ empath_peter Well you know. While the cats away.... *nuzzles your ear*
  • @ empath_peter Hoping for some sushi and maybe some time in Balboa Park? We can go to the Space Museum. I am a geek.
  • @ empath_peter ((My sister used to design those things. She sucked a cow through an engine.)) That would be awesome.
  • @ empath_peter I can get us on base to watch the air show. I used to hang out with Top Gun. *loops arms around your neck* We can do it all.
  • @ empath_peter Really. *shifts and smiles* I can get you in the real simulators. You'd like that I bet.
  • @ empath_peter Love it when you smile like that. Yeah we'll go do that in the morning. We should get to bed.
  • @ empath_peter I'm pretty sure you'll like it.

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