Name: Rush Sykes
Age: 18
Height: No idea. Average - 5'8"ish maybe?
Weight: No idea.
Medical Info: Healthy, normal 18-year-old boy!
Except for the small issue of SPOILERS. NO SERIOUSLY: [Rush is actually a Remnant! Remnants are mysterious ancient artifacts that are generally not alive and (almost) never human-shaped. Rush is special, though, so it is unclear what being a Remnant means except that he has magical glowy powers occasionally - as far as physical appearance, injuries, etc. goes, he seems to be human. He was a small child at some point and has apparently grown up normally.]
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Physical traits: Rush looks like a skateboarder who grabbed some fancy period clothes for some reason. Along with his skater pants and elbow pads, he has a sort of gold collared shirt, a quilted purple vest, and a black leather half-coat that Dave gave him, with one piece of shoulder armor and Athlum's flag hanging from the back. He also has a talisman he wears around his neck that looks like a crystal on a necklace.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Most anything is fine! Rush will probably take it in stride, even things like being fictional. Just don't, like. Tell him you killed his sister without asking me first.
Abilities: Rush is an RPG protagonist from the end of a game where your abilities develop based on the choices you make, so he's got quite a few skills! I'll play that he fights with a sword or swords for preference, although in the game he can use swords/axes/spears/halberds/poles/whatever he wants. He also can use mystic arts (basically magic channeled through a weapon, although what the game calls magick is something different) and item arts (using herbs etc to make healing items) and some other things.
[TODO I'll fill this in with his actual skill set once I have a reference... and can decide on them. >_> See
Table of possible skills for reference!]
Notes for the Psychics: Rush is pretty much exactly what he seems! He's a good guy who cares a lot about his sister, his parents, and David. He knows about SPOILERS above but there is no mental turmoil over it or anything.
Hugging/Kissing/Misc. Friendly contact: Sure! Rush is fairly physically open. He'd be surprised at spontaneous kissing but he wouldn't freak out.
Hitting/Slapping/Misc Violence: Ask me, it's probably okay.
Maim/Murder/Death: Depends on the circumstance! Talk to me if it comes up.
Cooking: Probably he can actually cook okay, since he took care of his sister for a while. But it's Last Remnant cooking, so we're talking, like. Spider borscht.