NaNo - 112,183 words in 25 days

Nov 29, 2010 12:51

I wrote 112,183 words in 25 days. The first half of the book is written. It's sitting at about 200,000 words. I have small bits of the second half done. To say that I'm ecstatic about this would be a massive understatement.

The last four days, I've been editing. Chapters 1-3 are completely finished. I'm working on cleaning up chapter four now. I plan on editing my way through everything I wrote, making notes of areas that need smoother transitions and other spots that I need to add more material. Once that's done, I'll flip back to writing. I'm trying to keep the momentum going from NaNo.

Once the first section is clean and polished and I have a really good start on the second half, I'll start posting a chapter a week while working on the second half. Probably won't be until well into next year though because there's still a lot of editing work to do. Not to mention that the second half is when things get really tricky writing wise.

For today though, I'm going to bask in my achievement because that many words in less than a month is nothing to sneeze at.

writing, nano

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