Writing Update

Oct 14, 2009 21:02

I thought I'd post a writing update for those of you who are here for my fic

The Mask

First off, let me thank all the readers of The Mask for waiting ever so patiently for me to finish the last three chapters before posting them.

The last rough draft is complete.

Totally, completely, 100% finished.

I am letting it cool off before doing the final editing and posting. Expect it no later than Monday.


I've signed up for NaNoWriMo.


Because I, apparently, have a masochistic streak.

I plan on either finishing last year's rewrite of Harry Potter book seven (which is about 1/2 finished) or finally starting Wild Indigo, the QAF fic that I've planned on writing for the past 3 years.

I was waiting to finish Healing and The Mask before starting on it, and, lo and behold I finally did.

The HP fic (An End to All Things):

1)It's outlined
2)I have some clue as to what I want the ending to be
3)It's more reader-friendly.

1)Most of the chapters left to write are the difficult ones -- transition chapters and really high action chapters
2)Most people on my flist aren't going to read it because they're not in the HP fandom

The QAF fic (Wild Indigo):
1) It is a Dark!Gus centered fic (which I love writing)
2) There's no custody agreements in this one which I'm so tired of writing.
3) It's super dark which I find easier to write.
4) I'm pretty sure there's people on my flist that would read it despite all the warnings I'm going to have to slap on this puppy.
5) There would be a minimum of Michael whom I have a ridiculously hard time writing without him sounding whiny.

1) Is only partially outlined
2) I have no clue how I want to end it
3) Some of the elements are so dark and grizzly that I'll have trouble diving into them to make them seem real rather than cheesy.
4) It's less reader friendly. It has non-con, dub-con, some BDSM, mentions of underage sex, violence, abuse. It's the type that is going to hit on some squicks.

Both stories are very dark fics which I love, love, love to write. I have a few more days to decide though I must admit I haven't a clue which one I'll pick. I might just do a poll and let you all decide.

Ficlets/Short stories

I have several fanfic100 short!Gus!fics on my drive that are in various stages of completion. One needs editing only, and I plan on posting it soon. Outlining whichever NaNo I pick and editing The Mask are taking priority now though because of the time crunch.

mask, writing, nano, fic

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