Oct 08, 2005 02:09
I hate the mail man. He left a little notice in my box saying that I needed to pick up a piece of mail that was "to large for my mailbox." Now I'm a stickler about people forgetting the difference between "to" and "too," but when I went to my apartment complex office to pick up the package they couldn't find it!?!?!? The woman working was new (to be honest I see different people working there every time I walk in there). The part that got me was that she said that she'd "acks" the mailman tomorrow about where my package was. Now I DO NOT want to appear racist in any way but "acks"????? She spoke clearly and politely otherwise, but said acks. WTF? It makes since though... I mean if she can't say "ask" right then the only place you could get a job is at my gheto apartment complex. As I mentioned earlier, the turnover rate seems to be astounding here. ---think i misspelled a lot of words there... well I'm kinda drunk so fuck it!----
hmmm... my computer is acting rather funny... I did some wacky shit to it when I re-installed the OS, and I think something is making shit all fucked up.... my CPU temp is reading 61C, when it's normally 41C... all I did was reconect a HD I had in there... perhaps I'll reboot and shit... anyways... got off there... and I've got the "..." to prove it!
So I was at the Paper Heart tonight running sound. It was First Fridays which is a local thing where all the independant artmuseums have a showcase and all. Another term for First Fridays is The ARt Walk. Now I'm horrible at talking to people. I remember I use to be good at it when I was younger, but as I've gotten older I've become more of a xenophobe. A Recluse... a shutin... a dork. I don't like people and they don't like me... we agreed on it last week and I'm afraid you missed it. You also missed the cookies that Janis brought to the meeting. And this weird snuff film that Thomson found hidded behind the bookshelf. It was creepy, but I still think it was a fake.
I had a point here... oh yea! Ther wasn't one of any real importance. I could bore the hell out of people by recounting the insane retarded-ness of some of the bands that I had to deal with. But why snuff someone out with that if no one's filming it for someone to find in a local town hall metting about if a resident is liked or disliked by the community?
haha! Gotcha!
This chick that has been working the bar for the last few months got busted by the cops. She didn't have some papers, or some shit, and served a 19 year old beer. I was shocked that they didn't bust her for drinking. In AZ you can't have anyone who has consumed liquor serving behind the bar. She drank like a fish and was always drunk by the end of the night. I guess the pigs caught her early. She's one of those people that you would have sex with but otherwise would want nothing to do with them. That might sound pigish, but I think EVERYONE can think of an instance where that was true. And if not... well, you're not having enough fun durring sex. My point was that she was very anoying at times... To be honest though... I seem to find a lot of those people....
Alright that was a rant and a half, and if anyone reads this I pitty them. It sucks and was written by a drunk agoraphobic xenophobe who's trying to get high. So obviously anything written is going to be a nasty puke of nonsense... although, Johnathan Swift seemed to do the same thing. So maybe it is worth it? Maybe not... However, I don't write shit about eating babies. Although I have written shit about eating clatholics... So i guess Swift and I share a common interst in some respects.