I'll be adding my stupid thoughts on the Prison Break finale while I watch it >_>
- Motherfuckers they just left the crazy guy behind! xD
- Abruzzi/T-Bag/Scofield... that's nice!
- aslksljk Michael is angry!! Isn't he lovely?? *_*
- T-Bag: *shallows key* Michael: Spit it out! Me: omg make out already!!
- Am I the only one who doesn't get the whole political plot thing? Don't answer me...
- =O Die nurse Katie, die...
- Bahaha "You got a foul mouth sometimes, pretty" (Why do I like T-Bag so much?? ;_;)
- Now what with the van and the mud... Nooooo
- Now a cliff?! lolz!
- Looooooool fuckers I just saw the crazy guy killing the girl and then he just wants the bike, lmfao!!
- Ok, *saw* that coming, Abruzzi has this thing with mutilation anyway...
- Sarah is dead?! Nooooo I was joking when I said the Michael/Veronica thing!!
- The guys: Don't leave us here, the fangirls are coming!! Plane: See ya loosers! lolz
- And that's it??! Not funny omg, cliff-hangers of doooooom!!!
I'll be adding my stupid thoughts on the Supernatural finale while I watch it, because yes, I haven't yet xDD
- Dean wont do a good match with books, but he sure knows how to fall over them alhlklnjjhk
- Dean: Gotcha! Me: *ded*
- Meg isn't happy and the guys are looking hot, doing good by now *_*
- Dean: Finish it! Sam: *pout* Meg: *arf, arf* Me: aaaargh!
- Poor unpossessed Meg :(
- =O Sam knows how to do that swirling pen thing!! I always wanted to learn! xDD
- *gasping* Watching Dean with the Colt, I can't stop thinking about that "If you think the gun is big..." joke >_k
- After that happy family moment, papa is possessed? o.O True he looked too understanding, though xD
- Sam believed Dean about the papa W possession, and I can't stop thinking dirty theories about why he chose to believe him *is going to hell*
- Nooooooooooo is Sam gonna shoot John?? aaargghh!!!!
- WTF?!!!!!!!! HOW CAN IT END THAT WAY ASLKLSJG AND THE METALLICAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *suicides*