(no subject)

Apr 23, 2006 18:53

Flist meme stolen from grrliz

List all of the LJ friends who you know or have met IRL.
bregandaerte, lashmipaw, anguisante & sr_nylson.

List five of the LJ friends that you have never met IRL, but think that you'd get along with best.
yaired, lpili, sarucaes, cantusnoctum, yumikimi...

List five of the LJ friends that you most look up to and admire.
(In no particular order) makesomelove, _toiletseatgirl, mortari, whimsylane & refche.

Which of your LJ friends do you think has the best username?
cantusnoctum, sounds so poetic *_*

List five of the LJ friends that you wish that you knew better.
mortari, paralipomena, whimsylane, logovo & tearbear

Do you have any LJ friends that you are kind of intimidated by? If so, list them.
makesomelove, _toiletseatgirl, fitz_schiz, spitefairy, leviosa8, prncssleia... (lol, I'm a chicken)

Do you have any LJ friends on your list who irritate you or make you angry?
Yes, but I'm not telling! xD

What about having anyone on your LJ friends list who make you laugh until it hurts?
makesomelove, taxidermied, snitch_rbk, aranluc, theleapingmuse

Who do you consider to be the most physically beautiful person on your LJ friends list?
That's kinda stalkerish but, mmkay: loreyna (Como te envidio zorra xDDD)

Finally, who on your LJ friends list do you envy most and why?
snitch_rbk because she met Nathan Fillion *killz Rebe*

aranluc, esto me hizo pensar en ti xD
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