8th blogcrew.

May 07, 2010 15:50

1. Multifandom
2. Unlimited claims per user, unlimited users per claim.
3. Please put 'OTAKU' in the subject line.
4. Please state your fandom clearly, alright? Eg: Mr X/ actor/ Japan (This is just an example x3)
5. You can take the code immediately after you've comment.
6. Please don't change the code. You can just tell me if anything's wrong. However, you can change the colours according to your preferences.
7. The pixels are taken from pixelpeach or to be specific eunkyung. Credits to them.
* I won't make any list for this blogcrew. Thank you.

Claim Here is an OTAKU

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/11144.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/0000zsg0" width="29" height="53" border='0'/>
Claim Here is an OTAKU

Claim Here is a NERD

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/11144.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/0000zsg0" width="29" height="53" border='0'/>
Claim Here is a NERD

Claim Here loves to take my picture

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/11144.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/00010e2f" width="39" height="53" border='0'/>
Claim Here loves to take my picture

Claim Here loves to take my picture

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/11144.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/00011ezf" width="30" height="54" border='0'/>
Claim Here loves to take my picture

Claim Here loves to take my picture

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/11144.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/00012ydz" width="34" height="41" border='0'/>
Claim Here loves to take my picture

Claim Here loves to take my picture

http://syarashin.livejournal.com/11144.html">http://pics.livejournal.com/syarashin/pic/0001332c" width="39" height="55" border='0'/>
Claim Here loves to take my picture

blogcrew: people, blogcrew