Mar 27, 2005 17:58
we all knew this was eventually going to happen and today it finally did. yes it's true i quit my shitty job. never again will i step foot in that place unless it is done by force. so here's what went down.
i was so ready to cause a big scene and flip everyone off and whatever but something went terribly wrong, everyone was nice to me. what the hell. the one day i'm ready to tell everyone off i cant. so i just sort of had a little fun. i threw a few munchkins and didn;t do a few things i was supposed to. as usual carol (my fat ass boss) was giving me pointless shit to do just to get me out of the way. but at this praticular time everyone was just standing around talking not doing anything. and theres this new guy who's probably about 40. he has tattoos and looks like he just got out of jail. he comes from out back and says "pat, carol wants you to do this pointless shit for no reason" (thats not really exactly what he said) so i reply with "go tell carol to kiss my ass" believe it or not he actually went and told carol to kiss my ass. it was wonderful. so he comes cack again with news that carol wants to talk with me. i didnt believe him at all until dan came from out back and was like "oh shit did u seriously say that?" so i knew i was going to be fired at this point. so i went out back and carol was sitting her fat ass down. she asked me if i actually said that and i said "yes, and i quit" then i left. but i forgot my tips. and they still owe me two checks. so i might end up getting fucked in the end. but it felt awesome to quit. i still wish i got to make a scene. maybe with my next shitty job i can.