Mar 21, 2005 17:02
if you know me you probably know that i don't get stressed. ever. its almost impossible. but this weekend definitely got to me. recording, work, friends, everything. let's start with recording.
as necessary as recording is, its sucks. it's a total pain in the ass, getting everything to be on time and play everything perfect. big thanks to ben proulx and his parents. they let us use their house and make loud noises for a long time. we worked for about 5 hours friday, 3 on saturday, and 2 i think on sunday. we still need to add 2 guitar tracks to one song and bass, and i dont even kno wat we need for the other. plus vocals for both. and when me and mike were both pissed at everything, ben still stayed calm and worked stuff out. and the songs are turning out to be pretty badass in the end. the songs we're recording are a remake of all your lies which kicks the old ones ass. it has 3 guitar tracks and bass now. hopefully you'll all enjoy it. the other song is an electric song called for lindsey. its quality. look forward to that.
i'm hopefully quitting work next week. i plan on making a huge scene if all goes according to plan. it will consists of fingers in the air, colorful language and the throwing of articles of clothing. if any of you go to the pepperell dunkin donuts i encourage you to steal from it. i hate that place. you all should also.
in more current events i am working on a new song for one of my closest friends who deserves it more than anyone i know. she doesnt deserve to feel how she does. maybe this will show her that i care.
"step one: slit my throat
step two: play in my blood
stpe 3: cover me in dirty sheets and run laughing out of the house
step 4: stop off at edgebrook creek and rinse those crimson hands
you took me hostage and made your demands
i couldn't meet them so you cut off my fingers
one by one"
alkaline trio is fucked up. but so amazing.