May 18, 2005 16:56
Someone asked me to post more of these and I promised I would so here they are. 99% of these are mine, some of them are not. If you want to know which is which..just ask. And please...don't steal these...ask for permission first!
~I want the kind of boy who will just lay there with me. Just lay there and not try anything. We would lay there for hours and never say a word and when it's time for him to leave he'll leave without saying a word, but inside it would feel like we had the best conversation ever.
~I've learned that I'll always be who I am no matter how hard I try to change myself. On the outside I look better, but deep down I'm still who I always was.
~Don't ever let any man use the excuse "but I always come back to YOU" because in order to keep coming back, he must keep LEAVING you first.
~I'm sorry if I'm not your perfect little girl. Ya know, the one who made straight A's, who loved school, who never fought, who had a million best firends, who never looked twice at boys, who always let you in, who never tried drugs, who never hurt herself purposely, who never got detention, who never got into any real trouble. But guess what. That perfect little girl was 7 years old. So don't tell me I changed when all I did was stop living in YOUR fantasy world and start facing reality.
~No sense in living your life waiting for him to tell you how HE to make the most of it while you can and if he can't see what he's throwing away...maybe that's telling you something right there.
~There will always be that one special boy, that no matter how badly he hurts you, no matter how much he makes you cry, you still love him. You'll ALWAYS love him.
~A tear rolled down her cheek and landed on her lips
He reached up and wiped it away with his gentle fingertips
Her face was red from crying
He held her tight with everything he had
And didn't let go of her until she was no longer sad
He kissed her forehead, and listened to her every word,
And let her know that he'd always be there
He listened to her heartbeat, and smiled as he hugged her
He did all of these things
Because he truly loved her.
~This is for the girls who have dealt with party after party in his presence, finally realizing that it wasn't that he didn't want a relationship: it was that he didn't want you. I honor you for the night his dog died or his grandmother died or his little brother crashed his car and you held him, thinking that if you only comforted him just right, or said the right words, or rubbed his back in the right way that perhaps he'd realize what it was that he already had. This is for the night you realized it would never happen, and the sunrise you saw the next morning after failing to sleep.
~Me:I guess I'm more of the friend type than the girlfriend type. Him: Actually? You're more the type that I'd like to marry.
~Me: As I looked around at the empty, lonely surrounds I asked him where do I go now? and he held out his arms and he held me tightly and he whispered...right here.
~She was always there, smiling and laughing, being the perfect girl. She was so strong, and everyone loved her. And then he left her, and it was as if she just gave up. She stopped smiling, and would go into long silences. Nobody could help her. And finally it all ended, and all because he left her.
~She sits on a bridge, gazing at the water. She's too scared to jump, yet so afraid to stay.
~The first boyfriend: The one from the 6th grade, what was his name again? You pretend you're over him, and that you were a long time ago, but he'll have a place in your heart forever. That little kiss on the cheek meant more than you think. Sometimes when you're lying in bed at night, you might feel that tingle, the way you remembered it from so long ago, you may look back and laugh, but you'll always thank him for being the sweet little jerk he was.
Your best male friend: He will always love you, admire you, and will feel that way forever. Boyfriends come and go, but he's always stuck around. He's your shoulder to cry on, and a hug when you need it. You enjoy yourself around him, and you're never in an awkward situation. This is a different kind of love, a special kind. Cherish this dude forever, he's changed your life.
Soul Mates: They are usually found later in life, even though I believe you come across many during high school years. These people are not love at first grow to love them, and it's usually through their personality. The difference between them and your friends is that you can feel that special spark when they look into your eyes, the same one you feel when you see a crush, but he's not a player...or super good looking...just "special." You might go out and break up, stay together forever, or never even kiss, but these are the perfect boyfriends, the kind that will bring you flowers, open up doors for you, anything you want. They are the perfect combination of friends and crushes.
~Well I tried my best and I've done the best I could do. Sometimes you have to stop chasing your dreams and let them come and find you.
~If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I wanna blow you...away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down
On one knee
Marry me today
Yes, I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say.
That's all for now.