Jul 18, 2004 21:49
so i feel like i've been drifting from a lot of people. but some of them i'm not so sad about. like a lot of people i thought were really cool are turning out to not be. and while i'm sad that i'm losing them, i'm glad that i found out the truth. it's not necessarily that i'm losing them, but i just choose to not associate with people like that. i hate two facedness. i'm not even sure that's a word but ya i just made it one. i get very hurt very easily, and i admit maybe i'm a little dramatic at times, but at the same time it's my defense mechanism, i've been screwed over too many times in the past and if i can avoid it again i will at all costs. as selfish as it sounds i only care about my own feelings a lot of times. i can't help it though because every time i start to try to help someone i feel unappreciated. on the brighter side though i've also met a lot of cool people and become closer to people i've already known. i even kinda settled things with beth. i finally told her for sure that we were never gonna get back together and that she needed to get used to things changing now. she took it a lot better than i thought she would. i'm also getting caught up on my bills and work is going great. i'm in such a better mood these days and it's awesome. looking forward to going to two awesome shows. ozzfest is coming up and then after that it's project revolution. i'm only going to see certain bands at both but it should be fun. well that's all for now. bye.
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