School News

Jan 21, 2006 10:47

The good news is that I didn't have any trouble finding my classes the first week of school. But then again how can anyone get lost on Villa Julie's campus. Its smaller than Essex and there is only three main buildings.

But so far none of my classes seem to be hard. It just seems like they give a lot of busy work. However, that may change as the time goes on but everyone seems to be really laid back and nice about everything. The good news is I only have six more weeks until spring break. Don't think I won't count down.

I need to get my ass in gear with those stupid on campus hours I have to get down before the end of the semester. One of my scholarships I have to complete 30 hours a semester of on campus involvement. Which sounds bad but like if I go to a basketball game it counts or walk around the art gallery. So I dont think its going to be that bad because school is 15 weeks long not counting the week that just past so that rounds off to about 2 hours a week which I can handle no problem. At least I hope so. I'm such a slacker that I haven't even went to get the paper to do it yet. Blah!

Well I'm gonna go eat so grub!
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