Jul 27, 2006 13:22
Well Im like WWWAAAAYYYY board!
So im going to write what is going on im my head
the moshpit of thought!
-I miss Darrell..i want everything to be ok with him again..i sometimes wish i could take telling heather the truth back...so he wouldnt hate me..but he was already starting to be an ass so would it really help any? god i just miss all the nice things he said..how i was beautiful..and i miss how he would let me rant at him and tell me my whole life story..and all he would do was listen...god am i stupid for missing him?
-I really hope that telling heather EVERYTHING that happened takes away some of her anger for me away..maybe she will realize it was not just my fault..i just hate the fact that I had too..i only told her the truth becuase i was feeling bad..and darrell being an ass was not helping..she completly corned me that night she called i had no other choice....was it really the right thing to do? ruin everything I had and all chancnces of anything else..even tho Darrell was being an ass?
-Taylor went to colorado for a mont and just got back..welll the entire time he was there we where talking and saying how much we missed each other..mind you we had hung out for the first time in a year and a half the night befor he left...it took awile for me to forgive him after he hurt me...but anyway..he gets back and we hang out..and now he is kinda being an ass...why? i dont understand! I kinda wanted something to happen give him a second chance..thats the way it was sounding in all the messages...and i thought just maybe this would help me get over all this other shit thats going on....
-soooo Natiely Jonnys ex or whatever well she is moving away! im so sad and so pissed and jonny for pushing her to that point..i mean what will i do without natiely? she has helped me get thru so much..and i wont be able to see batch[their son] i love that kid..hes soo cute..and Im going to miss her we cant han gout or party anymore...i saw her kinda like well a big sister...
-I REALLY miss tristain and cody [darrells kids] man i loved thos boys and they loved me..tristian even went up to his dad once and was like "daddy i found a new girlfriend for you" darrell was all like "who"..."mariah" damn that was akward but damn kids never lie right...i was codys bestest bestest friend and everytime i would walk in the door at darrells house they would walk right up to me and give me the biggest hug every..they always made me smile! i miss playing tag with them in the back yard!!! damn it!
-I REALLY want to find a job..walt [aubreys dad] has been letting me stay here and has been REALLY helping me out alot..i just feel bad that i dont have much to give in return...its amazing in such a fucked up world there are people like walt..i really see where Aubrey gets her big heart from!
-I miss some of my friends in cottage grove..i have not seen them in forever..i kinda just poof went away i was so preacupied by grynch and everything that i just stoped going down there...damn never thought i would miss that place...
hmm i think im done for now....
im spose to go and try to wake the beast [Aubrey] lol...she is soo hard to wake up sometimes!!