Robs Brother and other medical stuff

Sep 09, 2007 23:29

It seems that everyone is having a rough time lately. I thought I would throw this out there too, as we know that the more prayers one can get, the better. Robs next oldest brother, Jeff, is going in for another brain biopsy tomorrow (Monday) morning. He had one done about 1 1/2 years ago, but from what I understand the piece they took out wasn't really big enough. So he has been going in and getting regular MRI's done. They had been ok until recently. Now he has one that is thicker than than before, so they are hoping to get more out this time. At one point they thought he had Lymphoma, then they thought it was vasculitious (sp). All of these turned out to be wrong diagnoses. He has had sleep tests and has been to Ann Arbor...with no avail. It seems that none of the doctors can figure out what is wrong. Please, keep him in your thoughts and prayers. As well as Robs mom and dad and Jeffs wife and 2 young boys. They have been through a lot in the past year and a half...hopefully this time we will all get some answers.

Other medical stuff...I'm waiting for some test results to come back. I'm hoping they come back showing that I have thyroid or anemia issues. Both easily solved with medication. If they all com back negative, there will be other things that the docs will want to do. It is a bit on the person front, so I won't go into details...just keep my little family in thoughts and prayers through this stressful time.

Thanks everyone. God Bless!!! We just keep reminding ourselves that God only gives us what we can handle, and is with us every step of the way.
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