swtjemz Jul 12, 2008 08:20
flying to unknown places is fun, japan 2008, ryohei can shake it better than you, too busy to breathe, my appetite is greater than yamapi's, walked my feet off and had fun, insanity is catching, hooking up with familiar strangers, w-inds., catchy lyrics won't leave me alone, chibaka, every day should be a w-inds. day, keita is a man, omg squee!, mousapi, dancing, ryuichi's faces are captivating, i'd tap it, exhaustion makes a good bedmate, adventures in failure, a week in the life of jemz, food is a spice of life, tachibaka, asian boys are hot
swtjemz Jun 06, 2006 10:22
chibaka, tachibaka