And I get a few offline messages from a guy I was ith a long time ago
lionspride. He was a major jerk and he basically used me and told me that he was getting married... hmmm, married!?
Thats kinda funny since he only knew this woman for a month or so.
Ok, so fine he married, cool, I dont talk to him anymore... I dont even attempt it... I deleted his number and his email address from my account.
He then texts me in like June and November of 2003, saying he wants to see naked pics of me... what an imbeclie! Does he honestly think I am that stupid enough to do something like that at all, let alone for the fact that he is married. Stupidass!
So anyway... this morning I get some offline messages from him saying
"chuckie_is_a_leo: no more sex now huh?"
So I write him back saying
"me: God chuck... why are you even trying to still talk to me... you made it clear awhile back (yeah more than a year ago) that you wanted nothing to do with me anymore... arent you supposed to be married??? obviously its not a happy marriage if your wanting sex huh? Well, just so you now I am engaged and very happy and my sex life is way more than satisfied. And there is no reason why I would want to subject myself to more of your hurt, so please just leave me alone. Thank you. Goodbye!"
Yes, he is a sad and pathetic LITTLE BOY! He preys on woman and uses their insecurities to try and make himself feel better. He is a liar, a cheater, and a thick-headed jerk totally full of himself. And on top of all of that he has the worlds smallest dick! LOL There is no way in the world that I would ever leave Rob for that.
And chuck if you read this... leave me the fuck alone you fuckin prick... I hate you, I dispise you and I wish you would fuckin vanish!!! Leave me alone and go prey on someone else!