[FIC] Nearly Impossible- Chapter Six

Jun 17, 2008 08:23

[FIC] Nearly Impossible

Pairing: AKame
Genre: AU (maybe angst later on)
Rating: ??? does this count as R?
Disclaimer: yes. Akame is mine if having a kame keychain and a compass with the word west on it counts. XD
Summary: How shocking it was when Kame found out that his parents were going to divorce and switch partners with another couple. But when he thought that he was finally used to his new family, his ‘future step-brother’ caused him a much unexpected problem such as harassing him out of the blue and not to mention that they would also have to start going to school and living with each other.

Earlier Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5

Chapter Six

After making his way back his room, Kame immediately dropped down and lay on his bed not realizing who had saw him a few hours earlier. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the familiar ringtone of LoveJuice rung noisily in his ear. ‘Why can’t he just come over here?’ Kame thought before trying answer as nice as possible without sounding annoyed. “Jin, I’m tired, can we talk - “
“Come to my room now,” a harsh voice spoke through the device and hung up before Kame had a chance to reply. ‘What’s up with the attitude?’ Kame wondered and walked towards the front of Jin’s door.
Kame knocked twice and Jin opened up the door at once and roughly pulled the still-surprised Kame by the shoulders into his room. Once the door was swung closed by Jin’s foot, he pushed the younger boy against the walls of the room making Kame yelped in pain. Jin placed his hands on wall of both sides of Kame’s head and glared at the latter in front of him. “OWW! Jin! What the heck do you - “
Before Kame was able to finish his sentence, the older boy leaned forward and captured Kame’s lip with his own. Unlike the kisses that they had shared before, this one was harsh and cold. Jin ravished Kame’s full lips until it was bright pink and a bit swollen.
Kame was hurt. He felt as if this kiss was worse than a slap in the face from Jin. Through the kiss, he could taste the burning jealousy and anger from Jin. Although Kame tried to push Jin away with all his might, the other latter was much stronger than him and also has both of arms around Kame’s thin waist. “J - Jinn..” Kame managed to gasp with Jin’s lip on his while trying to pull away at the same time. However, that only resulted the other boy to bite down hard on Kame’s lower lip and drew blood.
Kame yelped in surprised and Jin took the chance to slip in his tongue to explore Kame’s warm cavern. The younger boy tried his best to push Jin’s tongue back to where it belonged but failed. Running out of both breathe and ideas, Kame had no choice but to bite down on Jin’s tongue and succeeded in making the older latter pulled back and hissed in pain.
For a moment, both of them stood by the door staring at each other not making a sound. Finally, which seems to be like an eternity for Kame, Jin turned around and sat on the edge of his bed looking at Kame with an unreadable expression.
Kame, in return, was at lost of what to do. He had no idea why Jin had acted so rough to him. A part of him told him to run away from the room, away from Jin, but Kame went against his better judgment and walked forward until he was just a few steps away from Jin. When Kame realized Jin was not showing any signs of wanting to talk, he drew up his courage and asked, “Jin…. Is there anything you…… would wanna tell me?”
Jin looked up from the floor to meet the eyes of his questioning boyfriend. He saw that Kame was a bit unsure and looked as if he was even a little afraid of Jin at the moment. Jin trailed his gaze down toward the pouty lips that he was just abusing minutes ago. He noticed that the pair of lips that he once admired is now swollen and the lower was even bleeding, thanks to him.
Unwillingly, Jin hesitantly muttered a soft “sorry” and once again avoided the burning stare of his lover. Giving a soft sigh, Kame said, “Jin…. If you don’t have anything to say, I’m going back to my room,” and he turned around getting ready to leave.
Just as he was about to step toward the door, Kame felt a light tug on his left hand and heard Jin said in a small hurtful tone , “You’re the one that should have something to tell me.”
Kame immediately turned around to face Jin before voicing a soft “Huh?”
However, the response Jin got from Kame seems to be reminded Jin of the day’s incident and in a matter of seconds, he returned to the frustrated state that he was in a little bit earlier. “Who were you with the whole day?”
Kame flinched at the harsh tone Jin was using again. Kame’s eyes widen in shock, ‘He couldn’t have found out could he? But…… that’s impossible. How could Jin found out that I’d lied?’
“I was at the hospital with Maru and his grandma. She had a heart attack. I asked for your permission to go, remember?” Kame answered in the most convincing voice he had.
“Hmmm….. really? Then how would you explain this,” Jin asked and grabbed his phone to show Kame a picture of himself and Yamapi walking back to the house.
Kame gulped and stuttered, “H - how?”
“I saw you guys when I was out buying you something,” Jin continued bitterly.
Rushing forward and kneeled down, Kame took Jin’s hand in his and apologized. “Jin, I’m sorry. I….. I didn’t mean to lie.”
“Funny how you still did it anyways,” Jin snapped at him and indicated that he wants Kame to leave.
“Jin….” Kame clutched his hands even tighter to stop him from going to sleep and not wanting his boyfriend to misunderstand him.  “Wait, I could explain.”
“It was true that I went to visit the hospital. It’s just that it wasn’t Maru’s grandma that I was visiting. It was Yamapi’s.”
“That explains a lot,” Jin rolled his eyes, “but why didn’t you just ask me in the first place?”
“I wanted to…. But I remembered that you hadn’t like Pi since the beginning. Besides, I didn’t want you misunderstand that there’s something going between us two.”
“And do you really think that I’ll think otherwise by lying to me?”
Kame held on to Jin’s hand, not wanting to let go. “I’m reeaaaally sorry, Jin! I promise I won’t lie to you the next time. I - “
Before Kame had the chance to finish his unsaid sentence, Jin’s hand had effectively covered his mouth and refrain it from making any more noises. Kame looked up confusingly at Jin, only to have a much more evil gaze returned to him. Kame swallowed- hard, afraid of the knowing look on Jin’s face.
Jin leaned down towards the side of Kame’s head and whispered huskily into his ears, “Enough with the apologizing……. In case you still haven’t realized, you had already broke three of the rules I set up.”
Kame kept silence due to the hand that is still resting tightly on his mouth and threw several confused look at Jin. Seeming to read Kame’s mind, Jin explained, “Remember the time when we were in my room that morning? I told you to help me with my problem and you ran out the door, breaking Rule number Six. And also the time where you embarrassed me in front of our parents by telling them I’m stupid enough to hit my face against the doorknob, breaking Rule number Seven. Plus, you just lied to me so it doesn’t count as asking for my permission to leave the house.”
Jin paused and looked at his “brother” in the eyes. Kame felt as if he was shrinking to a size of a kitten under the predatory gaze of Jin.
“And of course, you know what this means, right?” Jin purposely blew puffs of air into his ear while talking and bit down hard on Kame’s sensitive lobes. Kame winced at Jin’s sudden action and fearfully shook his heads. He could just imagine Jin’s smirk at the moment, despite not able to look at his face. “Punishment,” Jin said in an almost inaudible tone and licked the pink bite marks that he had just made.
Kame shuddered at the warmth of Jin’s tongue. To be honest, Kame is afraid of what Jin might think of. His boyfriend may be a baka. But an overly possessive and pissed off Jin is a totally different story.
Kame remained in his position until Jin drew back to look him in the eyes and commanded him to stand up. The slave obediently do so without any complaint and dread what Jin is about to tell him to do next.
“Take off your pants.”
“Huh?” Kame managed to asked, not believing his own ears.
“I said, take off your pants.” Jin repeated acidly.
Seeing no other choice, Kame did what he was told. But he was furthermore shocked when he heard Jin’s rough voice informing him to continue.
“But I only have a boxer on,” Kame pointed out, not wanting to do so.
“I know that,” Jin replied. “Or would you rather the school seeing the picture? We might as well admit that we’re together as well.”
“NO!” Kame exclaimed and very unwillingly proceeded to do his task.
To see an embarrassed Kame clumsily pulling down his last piece of undergarments was just pleasure for Jin to see. He continued to take in the sight in front of him. Kame’s face is once again blushing red with his hands hanging on both sides and unable to look at Jin straight in the face.
Kame felt as if his face was burning by Jin’s intent stare. Standing there and unable to resist, Kame is embarrassed of revealing his naked glory to Jin’s view.
Trying his best to cover up the fact that his mouth was dropped in a shaped of an oval by staring at Kame’s Kazu-chan, Jin cleared his throat and caused Kame to finally look up from the floor. “Come here.”
Kame dragged his feet across the floor and finally pulled to a stop right in front of the bed. Jin caught Kame by surprised and pulled Kame down making him gasped. “Oomph.”
Kame was faced towards the soft surface of the bed, his stomach landed directly on Jin’s lap, and legs hanging off the side of the bed. He tried to push himself up from the awkward position but failed miserably by Jin’s firm hand pinning him down in the current pose.
“Where are you trying to go? Ka.zu.chan~” Jin said in a teasing voice.
Before Kame had a chance to register what Jin was saying, he felt a hard slap on his rear followed by a painful cry from his own mouth.
Jin ran his hand through Kame’s soft hair, twirling the end with his fingers. “Shhhh….. You wouldn’t want our dear parents to come up and find us in a situation like this now with you?” Jin hushed Kame but only to continue with another loud smack.
For the next five minutes, all that was heard were repeating sounds of hitting flesh and soft sounds of moans that Kame tried hard to suppress by biting down his lips. Kame’s butt is now as pink or even a darker shade than that when he blushed.
After what it seemed like an eternity, Jin finally stopped. And just when Kame thought it was his cue to get up, he felt a finger poking in the entrance of his most private part, somewhere that he hasn’t even thought of touching himself. Kame inhaled audibly and wince at the discomfort that he felt.
As quickly as Jin poke his finger in the faster he took it out when he saw Kame’s reactions. “That…. was for disobeying my rules,” Jin announced and proceeded to help Kame up. Kame groaned and had a hard time going back into a sitting position despite Jin’s help, “Did I hit you that hard? Are yo - “ Jin paused as he noticed Kame’s member standing proudly away from its owners making Kame blushed to a shade of dark red.
Jin smirked evilly changing his worried tone into a naughtier one in just a matter of seconds. “You like that didn’t you?” It was actually more of a statement than question. “You know you enjoyed me hitting you on your perfectly shaped ass,” Jin said accusingly, clearly amused at the situation. “ Mou~ This is supposed to be a punishment, not something you should enjoy,” Jin pouted.
Just when Kame was about to retort, Jin’s eyes lit up and announced that he had a great idea. He laid his back on the pillow that he propped up against the headboard and said, “I want to see you jerk yourself off.”
Kame, still sitting at the other end of the bed, felt that he had been embarrassed enough for the day. “What?!? In front of you? Nuh-uh.”
“Are you trying to disobey my rules again,” Jin said in a superior tone. “Hurry up and get to work.”
“Jiiinnn~” Kame whined.
“No. You’re calling me Akanishi-sama starting today. And do what I say, now.”
Kame groaned but instantly become a moan when his hands reached his private member. “Unhhn….” He began to stroke himself slowly trying his best to ignore the person in front of him that is clearly enjoying his show.
Jin gulped at the sight. Kame’s mouth was slightly parted, face was moist from perspiration, and looked incredibly hot. ‘Shit’ Jin thought when he felt his own jinjin being aroused just by watching Kame alone.
Kame continued to hump his hand slowly driving him farther and farther away. He was too busy panting and in need of reaching his high point to notice that across the room, there was also someone else moaning every time his hands touch his hard on.
“Unhnn….ahh,” and other soft moans are vibrated against the walls of the room and Kame finally cummed with one final stroke. “Unhh, JIINNN!!”
Jin, on the other hand, managed not to moaned but still let out a low growl when he reached his peak without even touching himself. However, the younger latter felt too satisfied to notice the sound that Jin made.
Kame looked down embarrassingly at his messy hands and tried to grab a paper towel to clean it.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m gonna go clean up,” Kame tried to stand avoiding eye contact with the older boy, but only to be pulled back down by Jin.
He whispered rather huskily in Kame’s ear, “That…… was hot,” before releasing his hold. “Don’t break any rules again. Or you may experience more of the last part,” Jin said with a smirk.
Kame blushed when he realized with Jin was trying to implied and forced himself to give a small nod before returning to the task he was trying to finish earlier.
He quickly cleaned the mess he made while Jin sat and watched how clumsily Kame was putting his pants back on.
“Good… Good night, ……. Aka- Akanishi-sama,” Kame said before rushing off to his room, feeling totally embarrassed of his actions of the night. But…. It was Jin, ……….and the fact that it was Jin made Kame felt if not a tiny bit better about the incident.
“Ji - Akanishi-sama? What are we going to eat today?”
“I would want to eat you,” Jin said in a mocking tone while not taking his eyes off the T.V.
Kame sighed. Being alone with Jin for a whole week as a slave is not going to be a good experience.
“Jin? Kame? We are officially going to get married!!” their parents announced on Monday night.
“Oh, umm… congratulations,” Kame wished and gesturing that Jin should say something to congratulate their parents, too.
“Awww… it seems like you guys are friends with each other already,” Keiko happily announced, “and I thought that this would be a good chance for you guys to make it up to each other.”
Both Jin and Kame exchanged a confusing glance before returning their attention back to the four parents sitting in front of them in the living room.
“Oh right. We haven’t mentioned it to you guys yet, but we already decided to go on a honeymoon marriage!”Hitoshi said with excitement.
“Honeymoon marriage?!?!” both Jin and Kame exclaimed at the same time.
“Yes~!!! We’re going to Las Vegas and marry there and continue our vacation!” Hiroshi said with the same tone as the others.
“But Las Vegas has nothing casinos,” Jin whined, “what are we going to do there.” Jin continued asked for both Kame and himself.
“That’s why both of you are staying back home,” Keiko said sweetly while eyeing the two teens in front of her.
“WHAT?!?” both of them said in unison.
“But Momm…..” Jin whined. “You’re gonna leave us at home, AGAIN?”
“Well, we’re only be gonna be gone for a week so that isn’t much. Besides, isn’t it Spring Break for you guys too? You should be happy that we’re not at home,” his mother replied, clearly annoyed at her son.
“Alone………..” both Jin and Kame muttered to themselves.
‘Wuwawa… a week alone with Kame as a slave,’ Jin thought to himself.
Meanwhile, Kame noticed the sudden change of expression on his boyfriend’s face and suddenly agreed to the plan, “Deal!” Jin announced.
‘Whatever, he thought, it’s probably not gonna be good,’ Kame thought feeling sorry for himself.
Early on Tuesday morning, the first day the couple got the chance to be alone, Jin forced a fuffly black maid uniform and a cute white apron that goes perfectly with the outfit.
“You look prettier than most of the girls out there,” Jin whispered lustfully for Kame to hear.
Kame blushed bright pink at Jin’s remark and tried to pull the short dress lower that was barely long enough to cover his underwear.
“So was that what you bought for me on Sunday night, Akanishi-sama?” Kame asked trying to change the subject and stop Jin from staring at his thighs.
“Uh huh,” Jin replied in a sing-song voice. “Oh wait, I forgot the head piece in my room. Hold on, I’ll go get,” Jin said and rushed off to his room.
Meanwhile, Kame returned to the kitchen trying his best to be accustomed to the outfit that he would be wearing for the rest of the week. Kame opened the fridge and continued to ponder about their evening meal for the day, when suddenly he felt a pair of arms wrapping him from behind. Thinking that it was Jin, Kame pretend to took no noticed of the other boy until he whispered seductively into his ear, “Since when does Jin have such a hot chick as a maid?”
Kame froze in his brain, and panicked at the fact that the person holding him is indeed, not Jin.
“Oh and guys, we have a surprise for you,” Kioko’s voice trailed off as she watched the pair of boys rushing off to turn on the T.V, claiming that they need to watch the anime series of Marmalade Boy.
Jin came down the stairs with a white head piece that matched with the dress but to find another boy hugging his Kazu-chan from the back.
Kame struggled to pull the arms that hold him captive off of his waist while declaring the person to announce their identity. But Kame proved to be more fragile than the short-haired boy, and only managed to let the other boy clutched more tightly at his hips to avoid letting him escaped.
“Haha…. You’re such a cutie~” the guy said in a flirting tone but was immediately gripped backwards by Jin and released his hold on Kame.
Kame looked at his boyfriend with thankful eyes, while Jin asked, “What are you doing here…… Ryo?”


Next Chapter

There~!!! Chapter Six done!! Sorry for the late update. ^^"  i was reaaalllly busy. ok. i think i lied when i said this chapter was filled with goodies because to me, this chapter sux butt.  =[  i wished i did better but i was kinda in a rush. >]  but hope you enjoy reading this. comments are welcomed. ♥

multi-chapter, akame, fic, chapter, au, fanfic, kat-tun, nearly impossible, marmalade boy, cross over

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