[FIC] Nearly Impossible- Chapter Four

May 28, 2008 18:27

[FIC] Nearly Impossible
Pairing: AKame
Genre: AU (maybe angst later on)
Rating: PG-14 ish
Disclaimer: yes. Akame is mine if having a kame keychain and a compass with the word west on it counts. XD
Summary: How shocking it was when Kame found out that his parents were going to divorce and switch partners with another couple. But when he thought that he was finally used to his new family, his ‘future step-brother’ caused him a much unexpected problem such as harassing him out of the blue and not to mention that they would also have to start going to school and living with each other.

Earlier Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3

Chapter 4

“Two conditions first tell your precious friends to stop bothering me. And second,……….. you have to be my slave for two weeks, meaning you would have do whatever I order you to do.”
“Tat-chan, by any chance, did you and Maru did anything……………….. um, offending to Jin today?” Kame asked in their math class.
“How did you know already? Yes, Maru and I planned this out during the weekend. He deserved it. Besides, you were pissed off at him this morning too, weren’t you?” Ueda replied while keeping an eye on Taguchi sensei making sure he didn’t notice that they weren’t paying attention in class.
“I was mad at him this morning. But please, don’t play any pranks on him anymore,” Kame pleaded.
Ueda placed his pencil down on his opened notebook and looked at his friend suspiciously, “Why the sudden change of attitude? Didn’t you say that you hated him the whole last week? Or are you just afraid to let Yamapi know what is going on between you two?”
Remembering Jin also mentioned that Yamapi also took part, Kame immediately asked his friend in a whisper to make sure no one could over heard them, “Did you tell Yamapi about my parents remarrying?”
“Yes,” but as Ueda noticed that his friend was panicking, he quickly added, “but I didn’t tell him that you’re going to have a step-brother. Maru just told him that you didn’t like Jin so we’re pulling a prank on him and he offered to help.”
Sighing in relief, Kame said, “Thanks Tat-chan. But don’t bother Jin anymore. We’re not exactly friends, but we’re getting along just fine.” He didn’t want to lie to his best friend, but Kame didn’t want anyone including Ueda to know about the picture. ‘That’s really embarrassing.’ Kame thought.
“Are you sure?” Ueda asked making Kame snapped out of his thought. “Did he threaten you? Don’t listen to him. It’s probably an empty threat anyway. But make sure you tell me. I’ll take care of it for you.”
Kame shook his head while trying his best to throw his friend a convincing expression. “It’s really okay, Tat-chan. I can take care of myself. And he didn’t do anything of that sort anyways. Just tell Maru and Yamapi that Jin and I are okay with each other and not to worry.”
Before Ueda had a chance to continue questioning Kame, Taguchi-sensei asked, “Kamenashi, Ueda, does one of you know the answer to question 23 on page 485?”
Embarrassed, both Kame and Ueda gave a soft, “No sir.”
“Well, maybe both of you should consider paying more attention to me instead of each other,” he said and returned to lecturing his class about the correct situation to use the Law of Sine.
“Pi!” Kame called out to get the other’s attention after he and Ueda parted ways to their next class period.
“Ah, Kame-chan, how are you? I helped Ueda and Maru took care of that guy Akanishi or something today. Is it true that yall don’t get along?” Yamapi asked once Kame had caught up to him.
Catching his breathe from the short jog, Kame replied, “Oh don’t listen to Tat-chan and them. Akanishi-kun and I aren’t on the best term but I don’t hate him. So don’t take part of Tat-chan’s evil plan if he decided to invite you to join him.”
Kame doesn’t want to lie to everyone that cares about him and especially not Yamapi. He usually shared everything on his mind with the group of best friends he hung out with, however, he doesn’t want any one else to know about his relationship with Jin. No matter how much Kame doesn’t want to admit, he believed that the connection between him and Jin is special. There’s a feeling that he hadn’t felt for nearly two years.
Yes, he hated how Jin was always such a damn tease. He hated how everyone thought Jin was the one that is taken advantage of. Despite these facts, he knows that Jin is not evil - at least not at heart. There were many times where Jin acts totally normal around him and not to mention when him by himself had took care of Kame for almost the whole weekend. As a matter of fact, there’s a tiny part of Kame that actually wanted Jin to continue “molesting” him, but of course, this tiny part is also one that he had failed to realize himself.
“Oh, I see. Ueda is protective of you as always. I’m pretty sure you and Akanishi would get used to each other sooner or later. I mean come on, who could possibly resists Kame-chan’s charms, ne~” Yamapi joked while running off to his class to avoid a pink Kame that was trying to slap his head.
“So Kame, have you talked to your dear friends about our arrangement yet?” Jin asked while closing the front door of their house after him and Kame slipped in.
“What do you think I am? An idiot? Of course I’m not gonna tell them that you had blackmailed me with that picture,” Kame snapped back while looking toward the phone that Jin was holding.
“Hah! I won’t mind if you did told them about the picture. You and I both know the girls would be dying to see my sexy body,” Jin bragged while throwing a hip roll at Kame.
Kame shyly looked away from Jin’s lower body part and tried his best to focus on his face. “Pfft. You sure are full of yourself. I knew you were a baka but I didn’t know that you could be such an annoying conceited baka, too,” Kame said and stuck his tongue out at Jin.
“Is that the way you talk to your master now? I seriously don’t mind sending all these pictures to everyone in the school, you know,” Jin threatened Kame while slightly waving his cell phone in his hand.
“Noooo. I’m sorry- …………..Jin-kun,” Kame forced out saying the last part barely in a whisper.
“Tsk. Tsk. I guess I have to teach you a thing or two on how to respect your owners……..”
Kame sat on the edge of his bed before going to sleep and took a look at the list of rules that Jin gave him to follow.

Guideline for Being a Akanishi Jin’s Slave
Rule 1: When alone with your master, you must address me as a sama.
Rule 2: You are to clean my room and do my chores everyday unless I tell you otherwise.
Rule 3: You need to be around me whenever I want you, especially at   home.
Rule 4: You would need to get my permission to leave my side during this two weeks period. (except for classes)
Rule 5: I may add or remove any rules as I please.
Rule 6: You cannot object any commands or requests that I gave out.
Rule 7: You may not embarrass or insult me in any way in front of anyone else.
(These rules will come to effect starting tomorrow!!)

Sighing, Kame folded the crumbled piece of notebook paper into the drawers of his table to make sure his parents don’t accidentally come across it before finally claiming his night of sleep.


Next Chapter : Chapter Five

Okay, i know this isnt the longest update ever but i had to post it up. XD Im kinda stuck on the next part so i dont know when i will be able to finish. so if i didnt post this up i dont know when i will be able to. oh and i also have one other thing i have to ask about my fic updates, it might help me decide how to update the fic later on.  =p  so please for my sake and yours, please vote~!!!  ;D

Poll Fic Update Options

The length of a short update would be somewhere between the first and this update. 
A long update would probably be as long as Chapter 3 or just a little bit less.

multi-chapter, pg-14, akame, fic, chapter, au, fanfic, kat-tun, nearly impossible, marmalade boy, cross over

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