[FIC] Nearly Impossible- Chapter Three

May 23, 2008 16:22

[FIC] Nearly Impossible- Chapter Three

Pairing: AKame

Genre: AU (maybe angst later on)

Rating: PG-14 ish

Disclaimer: yes. Akame is mine if having a kame keychain and a compass with the word west on it counts. XD

Summary: How shocking it was when Kame found out that his parents were going to divorce and switch partners with another couple. But when he thought that he was finally used to his new family, his ‘future step-brother’ caused him a much unexpected problem such as harassing him out of the blue and not to mention that they would also have to start going to school and living with each other.

Earlier Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |

Chapter 3

“Kazuya? Kazuya! Are you okay?? Why did you lock the door last night?”
“Unhhh…” Kame sleepily opened an eye to look out the window. It was still early in the morning for it was still pretty dark outside.
“It’s already six and you’re having school today remember?” Kame’s mom asked her son from outside the door.
“Oh Kazuya, do you want pancake for breakfast? I’ll prepare it for you so hurry and wash up,” Kioko added also outside of his room.
“What?! It’s already six? Okay, I’ll come down in just a minute.”
‘I must have forgotten to set the alarm due to the commotion last night,’ Kame thought while he heard his and Jin’s mom walked down the stairs. Rushing to the restroom right across his room, Kame grabbed a towel by the sink and cleaned up the sticky semen from his bed sheet and blanket. He then took a quick shower and changed into an outfit he picked out earlier. When getting ready to go back downstairs, Kame thought about the way he should act around Jin. After minutes of pondering, ‘I should pretend that nothing happened and look just a bit annoyed at him,’ Kame decided at last to avoid any awkward questions from their parents.
“Good morning, everyone,” Kame said excitedly when he got to the dining room, maybe too excited. Seeing the four adults all eyeing him weirdly, “What? Today is Friday!! I can’t wait for the weekend.”
Relieved that they seem to buy his lie, Kame sat down in his seat along with the rest of his family and about to eat the pancake Jin’s mom made for him. Just then, Jin walked out of the kitchen carrying a glass of orange juice and sit right across from him. Kame’s expression immediately transforms into a glare; the room was filled with an awkward silence.
 Remembering that he did not want their parents to be suspicious, Kame forced out a low “Hello, Jin-kun.”
At once the tension broke and the four adults went back to their conversation about setting up their marriage date.
“Oh hold on. We still haven’t told our relatives about it,” Yoshi pointed out.
“Ahh, I guess we would have to find some time to go back to Osaka and discuss it with them,” Hiroshi added with a sigh. “And I thought that I was able to have a relaxing weekend.”
“Stop pouting. You’re being a bad role model for the kids, always complaining about everything,” Kioko told Kame’s dad while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
It has already been three weeks since he knows about his parents’ exchange of partners but seeing them getting lovey dovey in front of him still made him feel slightly awkward. After all, he had saw his parents together for nearly sixteen years.
Changing the subject, Kame asked, “Mommie, do I have to go? I still have a lot of projects to do.” To be honest, Kame really didn’t have any projects. Actually, he didn’t even have any homework at all. But he didn’t want to see his relatives asking about how he feels and if he is comfortable living with his new family. There are already a lot of things he’s going through right now. ‘I don’t need to have more added pressure dealing with all of this,’ Kame thought to himself.
“Kazuya, of course you have to go. Both you and Jin. We need everyone to make sure that we’re comfortable with the arrangements we made. Besides, you would always have time to do your project once we get back. So don’t worry about it,” Keiko assured her son.
“Oh. Speaking of you and Jin, how come you went to school by yourself yesterday? And poor Jin had to come back home asking me to drive him to school. You know that he doesn’t know the directions and you agreed to take care of him. Do you know how inconsiderate you were? If find this to happen one more time, then I will not allow you to hang out with your friends after school. Starting today, Kazuya, you and Jin would have to go to school together. And make sure he knows which one to take. If I find out that you treated him unfairly, then you will have to face the consequences. Do you understand?” Keiko asked with a firm voice.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Mommie. I understand,” Kazuya mumbled in embarrassment.
“Keiko, it’s okay. Jin probably annoyed him. Kazuya is a good kid; I doubt that he would have left Jin alone without a reason.” Turning towards Jin and changing the topic, Kioko continued, “Jin, you better behave and not cause Kazuya any trouble. If Kazuya complain to me about anything, you will not have dessert for the rest of the month.”
Hearing his mom’s last comment, Jin’s eyes widened in shock. “What?!? But Mommmmm……” Jin whined. “You can’t possibly take dessert away from me. You know how much I like to eat pies, cakes, ice cream, cup cakes, cheesecakes, …………” Jin began to count holding up a finger every time he mentioned a new dessert.
“Um… Jin, darling. I know how much you enjoy eating dessert. That’s why it’s called a punishment. You are not supposed to like it. If you want to continue to eat then don’t pick on Kazuya. And besides even if I banned you from eating dessert, that is still probably a good thing. Have you realized how fat you got lately?? Even Ryo-chan said you seriously need a diet,” Kioko told her son in a mocking tone.
“What? So you’re saying you are going to torture me by not letting me eat?” Jin replied with a dramatic gasp. “You are so evil. And when did Ryo said that? He shouldn’t be talking. I think that skinny monkey should train his body further more until it looks more like a man’s.”
Everyone at the table laughed at Jin’s baka-ness and his parents explained that Ryo was his best friend since second grade. And surprisingly, even Kame joined in. He tried to hold back his chuckle at first but failed miserably. So he didn’t bother to hide his laughter any longer. Slightly covering his mouth, Kame giggled.
Jin was confused at the reason why everyone was laughing at him in the beginning but decided to smile since he didn’t want them to think he was even dumber than he already is. Suddenly, the smaller person sitting in front of him caught his attention. The tip of Kame’s still wet hair from his shower was neatly lying on his thin shoulders while his eyes were glistening with amusement and for once, he looked relax compare to the other days when they first moved in. Jin liked this Kame.
“Bye Mommie!”
“Bye Keiko-san.”
Both Jin and Kame walked out of their house ready for school after saying goodbye to Kame’s mom. As usual, she was the only one that’s still at home while the rest of their parents left approximately twenty minutes ago.
As soon as the door was closed, Kame jumped away from Jin, his eyes narrowing. “You heard your mom. If something like last night happened again, you definitely won’t be eating ice-cream anymore,” Kame said while sticking his tongue out at Jin.
“Pfft, as if you are going to tell her even if it happens again. What would you tell her? ‘Your son harassed me last night.’ I don’t think she would believe you to begin with.”
Finally, it was Kame’s turn to smirk. “Who told you that I will tell her what really happened? I could have make up any kind of story saying that you were abusing me and still get the same effect. Unlike you, I don’t want anyone to think I’m a queer.”
Calming down, Jin started to act like his old wicked self when he’s around Kame. “I am not a queer. What gave you the idea? Don’t tell me it was because of what I did to you yesterday morning and last night, because it doesn’t mean that I like boys nor do I like you. This is how boys always act around each other and besides, you’re my brother. I have all the right to do anything I want to do with you. But last night when you rushed to your room, you should have told me that you needed a hand. I would be more than happy to offer you my help,” Jin fought back knowing that he won this round.
Realizing what Jin meant when he said hand, Kame gulped. “Ho - how did you know?” Kame asked as he once again blushed into a deep crimson color.
‘He just looks too cute when he blushes. I should tease him more often.’ Jin decided. “Come on, Kame. It was obvious; how you moaned when I touched you then panicked, and the way you ran. I’m not blind you know. I’m a guy too. But man, that bulge in your jeans was huge. Were you that aroused by just me touching you? But just to remind you, I don’t know if you’re gay or not but I never went with a guy before. So don’t keep your hopes up,” Jin answered with a sly expression.
If a person could die from embarrassment then Kame would of die right then and there. How stupid he had felt. At one point he actually wants Jin to be gay, but shook that thought away as soon as it appears. “Who says that I like you? I - I’m not a queer. I’m only like girls, for your information. And if you’re not interested in guys, then stop touching me all the time,” Kame snapped back at Jin.
“Haahaaha. I thought you enjoyed it when I did that to you last night. Are you sure you want me to stop? And those are the ways I show how much I love my brother,” Jin said the last statement sarcastically.
“Whatever. All I’m telling you is to keep away from me,” Kame warned him and decided to end the conversation by started to make his way toward the train station.
The whole time, Kame made sure to walk a safe distance behind Jin and occasionally pointed out the directions to Jin.
Seeing their ride getting ready to head off, Jin and Kame started to run toward the sliding doors before it closed. Luckily both of them were athletic or else they wouldn’t have made it in. Kame went on and stood by the whole and hold on to it to avoid falling down while Jin was standing a few spaces before him.
All of a sudden, there was a push from the behind and Kame ended up falling forward but was stopped as he reached Jin’s body. Kame was now, leaning onto Jin, their faces only inches apart. Aware of their proximity, Kame tried to stand up straight on his two feet but failed as people continued push their way around looking for a place to stand.
Kame looked back up into Jin’s beautiful eyes. He could see signs of tenderness. But behind those feelings there also lie another one. A stronger one. It took a minute for Kame to thought that Jin looked as though he wanted to eat him up right now as if Kame is just another dessert. Kame got even more nervous when Jin unconsciously began to lick his bottom lip.
Thankfully, the train had arrived at their stop. Reluctantly Kame pushed Jin away from him and quickly walked to the door.
Stretch his arms and legs, Kame told Jin that from here, they have to walk for another ten minutes down the road and their school would be on the right and started on trotting down the road.
“Oh and remember, do not tell anyone about we living together. I do not want anybody to think that I’m actually related to you,” Kame added.
“Why? Well, I guessed it’s too late. I already told some people.”
“What did you just said?” Kame screamed franticly while trying to strangle Jin’s neck.
“Ah - Aaahhhhh! Stop it! I can’t breathe! Eeek!! Fine, fine. I only told two people in our school. Don’t worry they’re not mess. I’ll make sure they won’t tell anyone,” Jin assured Kame as he swatted his hands from his own neck. “Yes. We’re here,” Jin commented, stepping into the main hallway of the school leading them to the stairs.
“Who are those two people that you told?” Kame asked disbelievingly, his eyes narrowing into slits.
“Oh, I only told Koki Tanaka and Junno-sensei from class 2-B. I met Koki yesterday. We have classes together in sixth period, P.E. He is a really nice and not to mention hilarious too. It’s very entertaining to hang out with him,” Jin said proudly.
“You told Koki-kun? He is a nice person; I happen know him myself. Just remind him to keep a secret. And Junno-sensei is a very kind teacher and friendly with the students, so he probably won’t tell anyone if we explain the situation to him.
You’re lucky they’re the ones that you told. If they were someone else, you would probably killed by now,” Kame said, feeling satisfied while they both marched up the stairs.
“Did you tell anyone?” Jin asked Kame in return with a curious voice.
“Yes, I did. I told two people just like you did. Both of them are in our class. They are the two boys sitting in front of us. Ueda Tatsuya and Nakamaru Yuichi. Actually I know Koki through them two since they are all members of our school’s student council,” Kame explained as they step into the class.
Everyone in class eyed them suspiciously since they still remembered Kame’s sudden outburst yesterday morning. The glanced back at them every so often as if expecting for another argument to sprout after Jin and Kama finally reached their seat. However, much to their disappointment, Kame hadn’t said a word to Jin at all. Actually he had acted as though Jin didn’t exist and definitely not sitting right next to him. Thus, the whole period passed by in peace.
“Don’t worry, Jin. I won’t tell anyone for sure,” the gangster looking boy with blondish hair said with confidence.
“No problem. My lips are sealed,” said Junno-sensei, the young handsome teacher said with a smile that is able to outshine the sun.
“Thanks so much,” Jin said with great gratitude and added a bow. ‘At least now I know I won’t get murder by Kame.’ Jin thought. “I knew I could trust yall. Well, I have to go now. My parents are waiting for me at home,” and Jin excused himself and made his way towards the exit feeling a bit more relaxed than he had this morning.
Walking to the front of the school waiting for Kame, he caught a glimpse of his so-called brother taking a walk with a jet-black hair boy. That boy couldn’t be that much older than him or Kame and he also had their school uniform on. Jin further noticed that Kame was talking and laughing very freely around the other boy. ‘How come he never smiles like that to me? That’s not fair.’ Jin thought to himself. ‘I don’t like that boy already. He looks like the type to take advantage of Kame.’ However, there was also an unknown feeling growing inside of him, but Jin being his usual baka self didn’t realized what that feeling was.
Thinking that Kame would remember him, irritated and unwillingly, Jin decided to continued standing at the entrance waiting for Kame to come back.

Half an hour later……….. *pout* ‘Did he forgot me?’

An hour later……………. ‘What’s taking him so long?’

Two hour later………….. Seeing that it’s already five o’clock, Jin angrily made his way home.

Opening the front door just in time to avoid the pouring rain, Jin called out to his parents, “Mom? Dad? Keiko? Hiroshi?”
‘That’s weird. I thought they said we’re going to Osaka today instead of tomorrow morning.’ Jin walked to the dining room and found a sticky note on the table. He went to picked it up and briefly read the note their parents left behind.

Hey Jin and Kame!!
                We’re extremely sorry that we left without you, but the two of you still haven’t come home at four-thirty. We had to ride the five o’clock train since that was the last train that was heading towards Osaka. You two can come with us next time; we had prepared some food in the fridge. Just warm it up when yall are hungry. Well, we got to go now. Call if you need us.
Love, Your Parents

“WHAT?!? THEY LEFT ME?” Jin screamed into the empty house. ‘I can’t believe it. They’re leaving two people that dislike each other at the house by themselves. Who knows what will happen to us?’ Jin sighed before starting to whine although there was no one in the house to hear him, “But that’s not fairrrr. I wanna have fun tooooo.”
Suddenly, remembering why he didn’t made it home in time, Jin’s eyes narrowed and muttered the name, “Kame.”
After his lunch, the office lady from yesterday came up to him, “Akanishi right? There’s a phone call for you in the office.”
Jin followed the lady to where the phone was and answered a polite, “Hai~”
“Is this Jin?”
“Yes. Listen I have to hurry. We and Kame’s parents have decided to start heading toward Osaka after you guys come home from school. So after classes are over, remember to bring Kame home immediately and start packing. The train is leaving at five o’clock sharp, so DON’T be late”
“Okay, Mom. I’ll tell him.”
“Alright then, honey. Thank You.”
Before going to his class, Jin went to Kame’s fifth period class and told Kame to wait for him in front of the school when classes are over and made sure Kame gave a slight nod before heading off to his own class.
Jin jumped to the hallway as he heard the front door opening. “Kame! Did you remember that I was waiting for you in school?” Jin shouted at him.
“I was waiting for you for two hours at school. And you probably didn’t even thought about me.”
“Where are our parents?” Kame interrupted, ignoring Jin’s continuous rambling.
Hearing that question, Jin totally released the anger that he had suppressed within him the whole evening. “You’re asking me why our parents aren’t here? If you weren’t busy flirting with that guy then you would have remember me. If I never waited for you at school, then I would have been at Osaka right now with the rest of our family.” Jin pause his complaints as he observed the Kame in front of him for the first time that night.
“Kame? Why are dripping wet?”
“Oh gee, I have no idea, Jin. It’s pouring down rain outside and I have just walked back to our house from the train station which is a good fifteen minutes away without a freakin umbrella. As a matter of fact, that is a very good question. I’m not sure how I got wet myself,” Kame replied with the most sarcastic voice he could use.
“Oh - uh. Don’t try to change the subject. I’m the one that supposed to be mad at you. Who was that boy you were trying so hard to flirt with?” Jin questioned him as if Kame was his precious daughter.
“Who are you? My dad? Out of all people, why would I tell you? Whatever, I’m too tired to argue with you. You said our parents are gone right? Well, I’m going to take a bath first. Laterz,” Kame said as he walked up the stairs throwing a peace sign at the frustrated Jin that he had left behind.
Seeing Kame turning his back on him once again, ‘Why does he always act like that around me?’ Jin wondered miserably to himself while feeling a slightly hurt.
Sitting impatiently in the living room, ‘Why hasn’t he come out of the bathroom yet? Is he a girl? Taking such a long time taking a shower. Well, he looks like one anyways, it won’t hurt if he acts like one too,’ Jin silently laughed at his housemate in his head. ‘Wait! It’s already eight! He’s been in there for an hour and a half!!! He is okay in there, or is he?’ Jin started to worry and ran up to the restroom located on the third floor, the one which his and Kame’s room is on.
“KAME!! KAME! ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE?!? I need to use the restroom too, you know,” Jin yelled as loudly as he could while banging his fist on the door to make sure Kame can hear him. Actually Jin could have gone to the other bathrooms that were found on the first and second floor, but he needed an excuse to check on Kame and see if he was alright.
After no replies from continuous pounding, Jin decided to tried the door knob and found it to be unlocked. ‘He forgot to lock the door?’ Jin asked himself. Opening the door, he noticed a flushed-faced naked Kame with his eyes closed on the floor and back leaning on the side of the bathtub.
“Kame!! Are you okay?” Jin asked while gently slapping the side of his face. Receiving no response, Jin easily picked Kame up and carried him bridal style to his room. ‘He’s so light for a guy!’ Jin removed all the turtle stuffed animals to the far end side of the bed and placed Kame down in the center of the bed.
Finally calmed down, Jin started to take in the sight he sees in front of him. He noticed how Kame’s hair and body were still slightly wet while he has the most peaceful expression on his face. Jin’s eyes began to wander all over Kame’s body. Jin noticed the toned muscles he had despite his fragile form. His chest looked smooth and soft making Jin want to pounce on him right then and there and start ravishing his collarbones. Kame’s nipples were hardening against the cold and Jin felt as if he should help Kame warm them back up before he decided not to take advantaged of Kame while he’s out. His eyes traveling even further down, Jin was surprised for the second time that night. ‘He’s not quite small either.’ Jin thought embarrassingly, yet keeping his eyes fixed on the part that caught his attention.
He then felt a sudden bulge in his pants and realized what he’s been doing. ‘God, was I checking him out again?’ Jin thought to himself before suddenly heard something like a whine and a whimper coming out of Kame while slightly moving his limbs. Jin abandoned all the earlier thoughts and immediately rushed to the side of the bed to figure out what was wrong with Kame.
It was then that he noticed Kame’s face was in the shade of hot pink. Jin raised his hand to Kame’s forehead and found it to be extremely hot. ‘He must have a fever from being out in the rain for such a long time.’ Jin reasoned out loud.
Suddenly remembered the running water in the bathroom that he forgot to turned off, Jin went to the bathroom and do exactly that. ‘That probably means he still hasn’t taken a shower yet.’ Jin inferred and went to wet a towel that he was planning to clean Kame with.
Arriving at the side of the bed, once again, Jin slowly ran the warm cloth across Kame’s chest that was still slightly wet from the rain. He tried not to let his thoughts side-track every time his fingers accidently came in contact with Kame’s body. ‘Stop it. You’re not gay. You’re not checking him out. You are not imagining you and him together on a bed together, naked. You’re not thinking about wanting both of you to exceed the brotherly friendship. You’re just…….’ Jin paused in his thoughts when he can’t come up with a reasonable excuse. Never had Jin felt so confused in his life. He has had numerous counts of girlfriends yet he doesn’t have this feeling for any of them. Partly was because he was also a well-known playboy, so what made him to suddenly have this feeling now? ‘I should seriously distant myself from him starting today. These weird thoughts always come up in to my head every time I’m around him.’ Jin decided at last.
After he finished cleaning Kame (while avoiding eye and physical contacts around his sensitive area) and was just about to leave, Kame unexpectedly pulled Jin’s hand down towards him and caused Jin to landed on the bed right next to Kame.
Gripping frantically to Jin’s arm, Kame whimpered pitifully, “Why? Why did you have to talk about me like that? I wouldn’t bother you anymore if you had just told me that you didn’t like me,” while he looked as if he was about to cry.
Jin could feel his own heart about to break when he saw the miserable looking Kame who is obviously having a bad dream. After trying to release Kame’s grip and gave up, Jin closed the lamp on the nightstand next to the bed. He managed to make himself comfortable beside Kame thinking, ‘Fine, I’ll start distancing myself from him after he gets better.’ Jin promised himself before falling asleep as the calming raindrops continued to sound outside of the window.
The next day proved to be a busy one for Jin. Kame only changed his sleeping position from time to time, but still hasn’t regained his conscious yet. However, he was definitely a lot better than last night.
In the morning, Jin went inside the fridge to find something to eat. He was starving since he hadn’t had anything to eat last night. Eating up everything that their parents left behind for both him and Kame, he had to go to the market to find the medicine for Kame and the necessary ingredients to cook something that Kame is able to eat.
Woken up by the loud noise of thunder and knowing it was still night since it’s dark outside, Jin realized that Kame’s hand has long been gone and no longer gripping his arm. He then debated whether if he should stay or go back to his room; remembering his promise, Jin decided to get a head start and started to lift the warm blanket from his body.
The slight action slightly stirred Kame in his sleep. And just before he had the chance to sit up, Kame turned around on his side and swung one arm across Jin’s stomach and loosely holds his hand on Jin’s side while Jin gave a soft gasp at Kame’s sudden move. He gently pulled Jin towards himself so that he could also lie on his side and Kame inched himself towards that warm figure.
They were barely centimeters apart from each other. Kame even went as far as putting his head against Jin’s neck and snuggled against it. If one would look at them, it would be assumed that they were already far past the friendship stage.
‘This is okay, right? We’re brothers. And brothers should be allowed to sleep together like this, right?’ Jin questioned himself before his naughty - no, more evil side took over him.
Stretching his only free hand to the nightstand right next to the bed, Jin carefully feel on the surface for his phone that he had placed earlier without disturbing the Kame next to him. Finally felt his cell, he clicked on the camera function and positioned the phone with his arm stretched as far as he can; he tapped the ‘take’ button located on the side of the phone.
Satisfied with the outcome of the picture, Jin put back his phone. ‘Now I can’t wait for him to get better. He would definitely be speechless if he saw himself hugging me so close and his face smelling my neck.’ Jin smirked at the way he knows Kame would react before finally return to his sleep.
And yes. For once, Jin was correct. Kame would not take it very well if he ever saw himself naked, and snuggled against a topless Jin.
Arriving home at almost noon, Jin immediately set off to work. He placed the rice in the pot with water filled up three-fourth of the way and began to add the sauce to make it taste favorable.
About an hour later, he carried the still warm congee up to a Kame’s room and propped his head at a forty-five degree. He then began to spoon-feed the watery congee to a drowsy Kame until he’s finished with the entire bowl. Jin fed the right serving amount labeled on the back of the medicine to Kame and carried down the dirty bowls to clean them.
The day passed by pretty fast. Jin soon had to repeat his actions once again at around dinner time. When it was finally night time, Kame tiredly raised an eye half-way open. “Jin?” he croaked out to the latter that was about to leave the room.
“Oh my god, Kame! You woke up!” Jin exclaimed loudly while making his way to the other side of the room.
An annoyed Kame replied, “Yes Baka. Do you think I would be able to talk to you if I wasn’t awake?”
“I can see that you are already much better since you have the energy to tell me off,” Jin commented with a small smile on his face.
Jin began to complain how tiring it was for him to take care of Kame. Then he teased that Kame should eat more because he probably even weighs less than an average girl, making Kame come back at Jin with a not so nice retort. For the rest of the night, the two of them hold the most normal and heart-warming conversation since they had met. Unwillingly, Jin left for his room feeling disappointed because he was actually looking forward to sleep in the same bed with Kame again. ‘No. Bad Jin. You’re not supposed to want to snuggle with Kame.’ Jin scolded himself while lying on his comfortable bed. Despite the things his brain was commanding him to do, he still tried to recall how warm and soft Kame felt when they were in each other’s embrace last night. With a smug look on Jin’s face, the troublesome idiot finally drifted off to sleep.
After explaining the whole situation to Kame and emphasizing that it was him that caused them to be late at home, Jin exclaimed, “We should make them pay for leaving us behind. How about making a skit to scare them when they come back home tonight?”
“Well, we have nothing else better to do anyway and it’s also April the first. So why not?” Kame decided and the two worked together for the rest of the day to prepare the little act they will put on for their parents.
“Guys! Can yall come outside and help carry out luggage inside the house?” Keiko shouted into the house as soon as she opened the door. However, the crash and sound of glass breaking made her stopped dead in her tracks while the other three also rushed to her side.
Some of the chairs in the dining room were flipped and some were all the way across the room. There were also several pillows that originally placed on the sofa thrown all over the floor. Right in the middle of the house, where the four parents had a clear view of, stood Kame and Jin about two yards away from each other. In between them was what used to be a flower vase now shattered into small pieces. The adults stood in the doorway all of them speechless and their mouths dropped.
Breaking the suffocating silence, Kame screamed out with fury, “How dare you talked about me like that?!?!” He advanced forward stepping over the broken glass and landed a hard and swift punch across Jin’s jaw.
“Why YOU little b*tch!” and Jin gladly returned the attack by slamming Kame’s back into the wall and punched him in the face hard enough that the side of his mouth started to bleed.
Jin and Kame both stood there in shock. Both of them promised beforehand not to beat each other so hard that it drew blood. Before Jin had a chance to react, the parents got to their side and pulled them away from the other.
“JIN!” his parents yelled at him while the other two also screamed at Kame.
The two kid eyed each other and said “Happy April Fool’s Day?” in unison knowing that they had probably taken the joke a tiny bit too far.
“See what happens when I agree to go with the suggestions that you had made?” Kame asked annoyed that they had gotten grounded by their parents last night.
“Well, then you shouldn’t had agreed to do it with me,” Jin retorted slightly upset that Kame was putting all the blame on him.
Arriving to their class, each of them parted their ways and sat down in their seat while everyone eyed them curiously for both of them has a bruise on the side of their faces.
When fifth period came, Kame was making his way to his next class when a wet and very frustrated Jin came charging at him and slammed Kame, once again, to the wall right next to both of them. It was lucky that no one was in the hallway to witness the events occurring between the two.
“OWWW!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!” Kame shouted at Jin and tried to wiggle out of Jin’s grasp. But, Jin kept his hands sturdy on Kame’s shoulder holding him tight against the wall. Kame continued to protest until his eyes met Jin’s. They were dark and filled with anger and frustration; that look on his face made Kame squirmed and immediately got quiet.
“You!” Jin said with a dangerously calm voice. “Do you know why I’m wet like this?” Jin continued while Kame gently shook his head. “This whole morning, I found my textbook with markers scratched all over the cover, gums were placed on my chair, and my P.E uniforms got stolen. Then just a minute ago, the boy that I saw you talking to Friday, along with your two friends poured a whole bucket of water on me when I went into the restroom,” Jin explained in one breath. “You ordered them to do that didn’t you? I knew you were mad at me for making you bleed and grounded. I just didn’t know you do something this low,” Jin finished while Kame tried to explained that he has nothing to do with it.
“No - “
“You will tell them to stop or else,” Jin interrupted.
“No, it’s not - or else what?” Kame asked curiously.
“I’ll post this picture up for the rest of the school to see,” Jin said and showed him the picture in his cell phone.
Kame’s eyes widen as he realized who the two people were in the picture. “Nuh uh. This can’t be. When did you take this picture? Why are we naked?”
“You don’t have to know how I got this picture. All you have to worry about is how the school would react if they ever have a chance to see a naked you hugging a topless me tightly on a bed?” Jin asked mischievously.
Kame swallowed and asked, “What - what do you want from me?”
“Two conditions,” Jin said while pointing to fingers up. “First tell your precious friends to stop bothering me. And second,……….. you have to be my slave for two weeks, meaning you would have do whatever I order you to do,” Jin said changing his serious tone to a naughty one.
Kame gulped and nervously looked back at Jin and wondered ‘What have I gotten myself into this time?’ while the tardy bell for their next class rings noisily in their ears.

Yay~!!! I finished another chapter!!! im sorri it took a long time. but at least this is one is longer than chapter one and chapter two combined. XD  but it didnt turned out to be as good as i hoped it would be.  =|  oh and sorri if i kinda rushed the ending. i was tired of stalling. XD so ummm...... hope u enjoyed reading~~~ *crosses fingers*
oh and i decided not to lock my fics. so u dont have to friend me if you wanna read them!!!

multi-chapter, pg-14, akame, fic, chapter, au, fanfic, kat-tun, nearly impossible, marmalade boy, cross over

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