Would you like a biscotti with that hero, sir?

Aug 01, 2010 09:26

We were visited by super heroes yesterday. This is not as uncommon an experience as you might think in our home, if you consider the fact that all of the heroes (and robots, and aliens, and...) that come calling are under 5'6" and aged 12 and 8. A narrow heroic demographic, I admit, but it works for us.

But what made yesterday's encounter especially significant were the heroes that came to visit. Yes, people, I am talking about

Coffee Guy and Caramel Latte Boy (boy, boy, boy...)

Traveling to the Coffee Cave ("Shouldn't that be downstairs?" "No, it's upstairs!" "Okay...") via secret (and apparently confusing, considering how often they got lost) vacuum tubes, the caffeinated duo fight sleep wherever they find it! Tired? Have a mocha! Drowsy? Not to worry, good citizen: here's a cappuccino. Yawning? A quick cup delivered by CG and CLB will do the trick! The nefarious Dr. Warm Milk stands no chance against these two.

So, vibrate easy, good citizens: sleep will never find a home in our fair city as long as Coffee Guy and Caramel Latte Boy (boy, boy, boy...) are on the job.

-- cue music and shot of waving flag, overlaid with cup of coffee; fade out --

(They came up with this on their own, which makes me wonder if I am perhaps taking them to coffee shops just a wee bit too often....)

ETA: Evan assures me I am, in fact, not taking them to coffee shops too often, which does not reassure me in the least.

kids, humor

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