Pokemon White Nuzlocke Pt 9.5 Notes

Dec 31, 2011 15:37

  • So apparently I missed a few places I could get more 'mon, so... it's worth a shot? *shrug*
  • Caught L28 Audino at P2 Laboratories, nicknamed "Puffy"
  • LOST Java to wild Scraggy, L32-L46.
  • Caught L32 Scraggy at Route 18, nicknamed "iPants" because THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING
  • I can't say I like you basically forcing yourself into my team by KILLING a member, but I'll take it.
  • Now? It's time... to grind. This will take me quite some time, which is why this is only update 9.5. Goal target is L50~L52, levels high enough to match Ghetsis.

    Proposed team and movesets for endgame:

    Rerun, Stoutland (F), Sand Rush
    Ice Fang
    Fire Fang
    Thunder Wave

    Stoutland's role is less to bust faces in at this point, and more to proc Paralysis, maybe work some bites in or a STAB 102 power move, and then switch over to someone else. Route 18 has Heart Scales all the frick over, so I'm less worried about not having enough.

    Pinchy, Escavalier (F), Swarm
    Iron Head
    Aerial Ace
    Swords Dance

    Swords Dance comes at L52, but it will be what turns Escavalier from something good to something great - Soak a hit or two while Swords Dancing, proceed to slice through enemies like butter. The fact that she's the only one I have to actually grind past L50 to feel comfortable helps, too.

    RM Steel, Gigalith (F), Sturdy
    Stone Edge
    Stealth Rock
    Iron Defense

    Rock Polish and Earthquake are post-game only, and no other moves offer better coverage than Rock/Ground except for Solar Beam and Flash Cannon, which run off of Gigalith's horrible S.Atk stat. Iron Defense might be swapped for Substitute, but considering that Substitute would potentially fuck up proper usage of Sturdy, I doubt it.

    iPants, Scrafty (F), Moxie
    Hi-Jump Kick
    Brick Break
    Dragon Claw

    Brick Break vs HJK is a power versus reliability issue - Hi-Jump Kick has the tendency of missing EXACTLY WHEN YOU DON'T WANT IT. Add in the fact that its recoil is now fixed at half-max HP instead of half-damage, and it's a risky gamble in a Nuzlocke. That said, Scrafty was a huge boon at the end - gotta thank Sakon again for reminding me that I never made it to Route 18 properly - I spent my time there with Repels just running straight for the Waterfall HM. Its great defenses, plus no weaknesses except for Fighting and Flying, make it a good choice for an endgame tank... as long as I avoid Marshal. And any Vullabies.

    Yurei, Jellicent (F), Cursed Body

    Ice Beam is... once again, POST GAME. That habit is starting to rightly piss me the fuck off - the USABLE moves are all in the half of Unova you CAN'T get to, or owned by one of the Seven Sages. Instead, you get "useful" skills like Fling and Flash. This wouldn't bother me so much if the 95 Power elemental skills (Flamethrower/Ice Beam/Thunderbolt) weren't always available in shops somewhere in past-gens. An Ice move is needed, though, if Yurei is going to have a chance to fulfil her destiny as Hydreigon killer.

    Derpfish, Stunfisk (F), Static
    Mud Bomb
    Sludge Bomb

    Earth Power is an egg move, which is banned for obvious reasons in a Nuzlocke run - especially since Stunfisk can only get it from Magcargo or Corsola. It's frustrating since Mud Bomb is a terrible, terrible, terrible move, and Mud Shot is just as bad, which means that Stunfisk has a pretty damn good STAB that goes completely underutilized, due to the better Ground moves (Dig, Bulldoze, the unavailable Earthquake) running off of its shitty 66 Attack. Still, between Electric, Water, Ground, and Poison, we're looking at pretty damn near perfect coverage, so there's that.

    (Girls are preparing, please wait warmly)

    Crossposted from Dreamwidth. Original at http://swordianmaster.dreamwidth.org/88098.html

did you say pokefag tiems

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