Mar 21, 2011 06:58

While discussing Nier with Xyzzy:

(6:44:29 AM) xyzzysqrl: Seriously on a good day you can equip Magic Words and turn on the rotating blade forcefield and sprint through the middle of the ... Pridelands or whatever the hell is right outside the village, and you'd just meatgrinder everything.
(6:44:58 AM) swordianmaster: Pridelands.
(6:45:09 AM) swordianmaster: man The Lion King would be a lot different if it had Shades and Yonah.
(6:45:13 AM) swordianmaster: ...And was made by Cavia.
(6:45:26 AM) swordianmaster: If it was made by Cavia, Simba SO would have gotten eaten by hyenas.
(6:45:50 AM) xyzzysqrl: Timon would have solo'd the last 3/4ths of the story and then curled up to die.
(6:46:29 AM) xyzzysqrl: ...okay now I'm picturing Nala as Kaine and it's unexpectedly kind of weirdly hot.
(6:46:37 AM) swordianmaster: ....Nono, see
(6:46:43 AM) swordianmaster: You're looking at this from post-timeskip
(6:46:46 AM) xyzzysqrl: What is WRONG with my sex drive. *rattled*
(6:46:50 AM) xyzzysqrl: ...Oh, right.
(6:46:53 AM) swordianmaster: Nala and Simba were both children.
(6:46:57 AM) swordianmaster: In turn they are not Nier and Kaine
(6:47:04 AM) swordianmaster: they are Manah and Seere.
(6:47:13 AM) xyzzysqrl: ...
(6:47:20 AM) xyzzysqrl: A HYENA THAT CRUSHES LIKE A MACE! *glee face*
(6:47:40 AM) xyzzysqrl: Or I guess it would be an elephant or someth WHY AM I THINKING OF THIS.
(6:48:30 AM) swordianmaster: and then Nala would go splut and suddenly giant Wall-Es would descend from the heavens.
(6:48:57 AM) xyzzysqrl: ...now I'm thinking, like... Simba as Emil. Forced to wear the skeletal remains from that place the sun doesn't shine.
(6:49:26 AM) swordianmaster: ...And the wording of that makes me think of him pulling his skeleton OUT OF HIS RECTUM.
(6:49:26 AM) xyzzysqrl: Except he'd look more like a Jack Skellington cosplay, and then suddenly it's Kingdom Hearts.
(6:49:55 AM) swordianmaster: As long as we can get some Pumbaa drifting in, the world is a happy place.
(6:50:55 AM) swordianmaster: This is so going on the LJ, I hope you note.

(6:52:06 AM) xyzzysqrl: Can I just say that I was trying to remember the -name- of the "Where the light doesn't touch" place and just mangled it, for the record?
(6:52:28 AM) swordianmaster: (elephant graveyard, IIRC)
(6:52:53 AM) xyzzysqrl: OH.
(6:53:13 AM) xyzzysqrl: ...okay then yeah it can go on the LJ. Which is -also- a place the sun doesn't shine lately, I wish to note.
(6:53:17 AM) xyzzysqrl: *draw smiley face on you*

My friends are nuts. They are made of win and awesome.

impossible request: raise children, aim is a hell of a drug

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