[OOC - 001]

Feb 28, 2008 12:47

Just a little heads up to everyone, this isn't actually a journal for personal thoughts or anything like that, The purpose of this journal is to roleplay as my OC saft in her many zany adventures along with her friends...you may add to your friend list if you're actually intrested in reading anything like that but I presume that you probaly wouldn't as soon as I find any silly comments from none characters I'll be setting this account up on friend's only.


if you're intrested in joining at all please feel free to drop us a line @ orangsaft@hotmail.com or poke me on AIM @ Saft Chan. I hope to get started soon once I finally find some decent icons to edit, for the time being I'm using Kallen from Code Geass and Rose Tomas from Full Metal Alchemist for Saft bases. I also need to edit her io so people can know a little more behind the inner workings and such.

See ya laters~

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