The Police Force seems like it's in real trouble right now, with such a lack of people enlisting in it. Maybe I should force suggest to Huey that he enlist as a junior officer... if they have junior officers. That might be a good experience for him growing up
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And I can't speak for the Colonel, but I can almost guarantee that we do not have, nor will we ever have, junior officer programs. We are not career day.
I wasn't thinking along the lines of career day. I was hoping we could use some of our more talented youth towards helping the City at large.
There are far more productive methods than having them help investigate crimes or pursue violent criminals.
I wasn't thinking of them investigating crimes or pursuing violent criminals. If anything, I was hoping they could help with patrols, or helping out at the station in general.
If they want to be a station gofer, then maybe. But I doubt anyone will approve of taking kids out on patrol.
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