The Police Force seems like it's in real trouble right now, with such a lack of people enlisting in it. Maybe I should force suggest to Huey that he enlist as a junior officer... if they have junior officers. That might be a good experience for him growing up
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Comments 93
...and I know I've welcomed a lot of people in these few weeks.
Watch it be some big curse, where everyone suddenly freaks out over being the wrong gender or something. The Deities seem to like maximum exposure if I've noticed anything.
I vaguely remember you saying that you wanted to improve your self-defense skills after that awful curse when you got murdered. Why not take up the police?
There's enough people in this City, who aren't normal per say. They should have enough power to help protect those who are completely normal. worse, they could develop a buddy system with one older officer, and one younger officer...
[police filter]
Unfortunately, several of our members have returned to their home worlds, though I can't blame them for that, given that we all try to leave.
Did you have a particular department you'd like to be in?
[police filter]
I completely understand the problem behind that. Hence why I am particularly worried about the state of the police.
I'm not sure really. What would be your suggestion?
[police filter]
Yes, it does make it harder to try to protect people.
Hm. Probably Intelligence or Special Assault and Tactics would suit you best?
[police filter]
Maybe I can act between both divisions? If not, probably Special Assault and Tactics would probably be best. My Rider System makes me very powerful if some conflict were to develop.
And I can't speak for the Colonel, but I can almost guarantee that we do not have, nor will we ever have, junior officer programs. We are not career day.
I wasn't thinking along the lines of career day. I was hoping we could use some of our more talented youth towards helping the City at large.
There are far more productive methods than having them help investigate crimes or pursue violent criminals.
I wasn't thinking of them investigating crimes or pursuing violent criminals. If anything, I was hoping they could help with patrols, or helping out at the station in general.
I want to help him to continue to develop this ability to defend himself, and sometimes being put in the front line is the way to go. Here and his world aren't bound by the perils of war. My world is...
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