Weekend Update 11/29

Nov 29, 2009 16:03

First off, on Thursday, Americans kicked off the holiday season.

Swoopers from around the world paused at the [Official Happy Thanksgiving Post] to give thanks. I'd like to thank everyone for their kind comments about the community and the comraderie here.

Also, as of this posting we have 277 members with 252 watchers. Thank you so much to everyone who let us continuously spam their friend updates.

[Announcements]+ This week SIB had it's first affiliate request with dragon_age.

+ I overhauled the Community User Info. If you would like to have a group or site affiliated, please send me the following information:
[1] The link
[2] A brief summary of the page
[3] (Optional) A banner

+ This week we had a contest update. ( Contest, what contest?)

+ SIB now has 4 maintainers

[finding_marie] [hollywithaneye] [kalyissa] [vehlr]

If you have any ideas, comments, or concerns, please contact anyone of us.

+ This week will see the introduction of Secret Swoopers and Holli's own mod column. More details to follow.

[The Official Swooping Weekly Challenge]

This week we had mad response to OSWC!

Things we learned:

+ Naked is indeed very funny and watching can be quite pleasant [ Trillian N7]
+ Zevran is lovely time warped [ Bidelle]
+ And Alistair really doesn't want to know [ Aimo: NSFW]

Want more? Check out the tagged responses here. Not finished with last week's challenge? That's okay too!

Done? Kaylissa has posted this week's Official Swooping Weekly Challenge.

[The Fanfiction]


+ Final Twist is now complete
+ They Become Legend

The Final Twist was touching and heart stopping, and was full of "OMG, did I just read that? *scroll up*" moments.

They Become Legend is becoming a tale of second generation espionage, betrayal, and finding a place in the world when your parents are heroes.

Why it's good

+ She is creating a universe, people
+ Fascinating original characters
+ Strong pacing, twist after twist


+ Profaned
Alistair gets introspective, after his encounter with the Witch of the Wilds. (Spoilers for endgame, NSFW)

Why Profane is good
+ Because I want to make love to amerou's fanfiction
+ Alistair introspection at a turning point for his character
+ Stunning, honest storytelling

+ Pleasant
Little Alistair meets Isolde

+ The Last Beginning
Wynne contemplates and undertakes that which may be her last service for the good of Ferelden

Why it's good

+ Wynne is an excellent narrator
+ Clear, precise story telling
+ Completely original premise

+ Martyrs and Thieves
A look at Alistair post-Landsmeet.

[The Fanart]

Icon explosion ahoy! Festoon your LJ moniker with the loveliness.

+ Nowt
+ thisislove_00 [ Santa Silliness 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4]
+ drpaccy
+ 5stars40
+ Mystra
+ Lady_boromir
+ happy_lu's stunning icons
+ solanyxe, capping master

We've had more beautiful comics by fluff meister Aimo and the introduction of:
+ Bidelle
+ The lovely, if NSFW, art of cat_on_coals [ 1] [ 2]
+ ocelot_eyes [ 1]
+ ayabai
+ mariposacomplex

And the Dragon Age Meme
+ Aimo's Response
+ cat_on_coal's Response

Let us not forget: digitalworks and the " Great Alistair Fanart Search"

[Machinima & Game Mods]

dilandau_sama posted some great game mods here, also machinma.

[The Discussion]

This week community responses are up. Discussion numbers (a week or so ago were down in the single digits) are on the rise:

+ Lyriumaddict's, "How the Hell... Can Anyone Hate Alistair?"
+ ethe_real_ity, "Favorite Quote"
+ velcroswench's " Multiplatforming Nerdery"
+ u2queenbee's " Best looking armor for Alistair" (Splintmail:: Vehlr approves +15)
+ xxr posted some comments from David Gaider, including a delicious phrase that has become the fandom excuse.

[and...The Bann Teagan]

Aimo's cheeky addition to the Teagan bandwagon can be found here.
Mediocre Dreams made a Teagan Winamp skin and " Bann Teagan question"

[The Delurkers]

I'd like to thank every single one of you for your introduction posts or your participation in the community.
Also, thank you to members new and newer (cause hell, it's been less than a month), for your gracious welcoming responses in the intro posts. It means a lot to the new member and it's really heartening to see as a moderator.

dvorgila (Love your icon. Sandal FTW)
whitecarnations (I see you absolutely everywhere *mod hug*)
polara777 ("you've got red on you" this is epically brilliant, my brother kept quoting this the whole playthrough)

* * *

Alright, now I'm going to go collapse into a fit of Weekly Update exhaustion. Thanks so much everyone, this week has been incredible! As always, feel free to pimp below.


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