Omg! Delurking!

Nov 23, 2009 17:03

So, hi. Long time Bioware fangirl. Easily won over by Alistair. Currently lurking here and in LJ in general.
Anyway, I was wondering.. does anyone RP here in LJ or any other place? Because for kicks and giggles.. I noticed our favorite former templar in an RP comm. And if no one has any idea what I'm talking about, I'll just return to lurkland after leaving you a few icons and continue to fight the urge to write really bad Alistair fic. (Because if I did it, it would be horrible. lol.)

Credit is nice but not needed.
Screencaps used (except for Dog which came from the Dragon Age wiki) came from the fabulous solanyxe.

media: icons

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