Awesomesause and cool beans man! I know this is an Alistair community but could you maybe get some shots of the rest of the party? It's seriously lagging in all things Dragon Age.
Thank you! You can always blame Alistair for being too distracting. Yes, his fault. :)
I'm kind of a screenshot-o-maniac (What? You're saying that expression doesn't exist?), so I have a few screenshots of other party members as well. (Would take me a bit to arrange them, though.) Is there any party member/other NPC you're particularly interested in?
Ooohh ooooh, Zevran and Morrigan and I would love you till the end of time, and please do not trouble yourself if it's too much to ask for though I don't want to be a burden.
Oh my jesus O.OlyriumaddictNovember 21 2009, 00:05:51 UTC
I seriously just howled like when Scooby gets a Scooby snack~ OH MUH GAWD thanks yo so much! Because of you there can finally be some DA icons layouts and other misc. webgoodies around! AAAHHGH *luffles and huggles*
I'm kind of a screenshot-o-maniac (What? You're saying that expression doesn't exist?), so I have a few screenshots of other party members as well.
(Would take me a bit to arrange them, though.) Is there any party member/other NPC you're particularly interested in?
Zevran screenshots (128 screens)
Morrigan screenshots (64 screens)
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