Hi to everyone!
Nice to see how the community dedicated to the loveliest Grey Warden has grown. (First time I wandered here, there were only eight members, I think. XD) Anyway, I finally decided to join. *waves to everyone*
And don't worry, I come bearing gifts. (I checked the rules, so I hope everything is all right with the post - if not, please, let me know and I'll make sure to correct it.)
Alistair screenshots spam:
228 screenshots of Alistair (Alistair only, no player character there, don't worry. :)), each 1680x1050 px.
Feel free to use/modify them for icons, wallpapers, banners - whatever you prefer.
Alistair screenshots Preview:
http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/5559/alistair00174.jpg http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/2439/alistair00150.jpg http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6569/alistair00015.jpg If you were experiencing a bug after Landsmeet; Alistair being even denser than usual (he thought he was still going to be king even after you killed Loghain and it was decided Anora would be put on the throne), here are the files of the actual conversation that should have taken place instead of that 'I'll have to be king' speech.
Audio files of Alistair's part of the conversation I noticed party banter and party barks audio files have been posted already, but I found other Alistair only audio files (origins and main; over 1300 files). (If anyone's interested and/or needs an Alistair voice fix , I guess can put them up.)
Added the other voice Alistair files (2hrs+ in total):
Alistair voice files mainAlistair voice files origins I noticed conversations are divided/follow up in clusters, but dividing each batch manually would be too difficult and time consuming (the dialogues seem to be divided based upon PC gender, profession, various player choices,...) and would probably have the same effect on me as exposing a dwarf to too much lyrium, so I kept the whole batch as it is.
Last but not the least I'm thinking of doing a little tiny tiny something to make feel better those who were traumatized by the 'Morrigan deal.'
That's all for now, I think. ^.^ Nice to meet you.