Fanfic: Moonlit

Nov 17, 2009 13:04

Title: Moonlit
Author: Cytherae
Summary: It was just supposed to be a swim in the pond. Nothing more.
Comments: This is already on, but I thought I'd put it up here aswell, so no one would miss undressed Alistair. Because that would not be fair, right? Oooh, and perhaps there could be a second chapter. Hmmm.

“Blood stains, Allira muttered angrily to herself. “How can a substance that is supposed to stay inside, stick so thoroughly to your outside?!” Looking around carefully, and seeing no one, she started stripping out of her armour. The surface of the pond shone in the moonlight, and Allira congratulated herself for finding it. She supposed the others would like to know that there was a way to clean up, besides a bucket and a sponge; but she wanted to keep her little discovery to herself for just a little while longer.
When she was finally down to her underthings, she looked around once more for good measure and was just easing out of it, when she heard a splash. Crouching immediately, she hid behind a low bush, her heart hammering in her ears.
The pond wasn’t shining serenely anymore, waves were now battling wildly on the surface. Allira started to reach for her bow, when suddenly a red head broke the surface with a great snort.
She let go of the bow, and ducked even lower. What was he doing here? It was her secret spot, dammit! She had seen it first!
She peeked round the bush again. The pond really wasn’t that large, and even though he was standing in the deepest end, the water only reached a little higher than his waist.
Somehow, watching him didn’t make Allira’s heart rate go down at all. Water was pouring from his short hair, and making its way lazily down the muscles of his chest. All the wetness was making his skin shine in the moonlight.
He looked breathtaking, she admitted to herself. Literally. Looking at him was making her forget to breath. Allira swallowed once, then again, trying to decide what to do.
Walking away was not an option… Not when she wanted to bath too, and he looked so nice in the water.
“Alistair! The darkspawn are attacking!” she yelled at him, praying that no one at camp would hear her.
He reacted immediately and started to wade out of the pond as quickly as he could. Silently creeping around to the other side, Allira jumped in. She made sure that the splash would be quite loud. She also made sure that she aimed for the shallows. Since she had grown up in the Alienage in Denerim, she had never learnt to swim.
He had only managed to get to the edge of the pond, the edge of the water dangerously close to his buttocks, when he stopped, hearing her dive in.
When she surfaced, he was glaring at her playfully, his arms crossed over his chest.
“You hardly look like a dangerous darkspawn. No horns, no scale, no breathing fire… Perhaps I should kill you anyway though, just to make sure…”
Allira smiled languidly at him, enjoying the cold water. Since she was so much shorter than Alistair the water covered her up to her chest. Not that she had anything to hide really, since she was still wearing her underwear.
“As long as I can clean up first, you can do whatever you want with me.”
She wanted to hit herself when she realized exactly how that had sounded. Alistair only grinned at her, the lopsided boyish grin only he could do so well.
“Well then. I can’t let such an opportunity pass me by, can I?”
That answer left her a trifle breathless, and when she had gathered her wits enough to answer, he was suddenly gone.
The little pond once again shone and glittered in the light of the moon. Shifting from one foot to the other, Allira looked around nervously. Did he slip under? Did he do it on purpose? Or couldn’t he swim either? Perhaps he was drowning and…
She got her answer, when a strong hand suddenly latched itself to her ankle and pulled her down into the dark water.
“I can’t swim, Alistair!” she tried to say, but it didn’t come out as it should. Instead it only filled her mouth with murky water that tasted like earth and autumn on the way. For a moment she swivelled helplessly in the water, detachedly wondering if she should start panicking anytime soon. Then those hands came again and lifted her up, and stood her on her feet again. The coughing came at once.
When she had cleared her throat and her eyes somewhat, she noticed that he was still holding her upright by her shoulders. The grin was gone, and he did seem a little worried.
“Not a darkspawn, but a drowned kitten!” he exclaimed softly. “How could I be so mistaken.”
“The only mistake you did was believing I could swim,” Allira scoffed back. His hands were warm.
“Well, you know, since I was raised by dolphins, I just assumed everyone could swim,” he answered, pushing some of her wet her out of her face.
“I thought you were raised by dogs.” Damn his hands for making her heart flutter like that. It was hardly fair. Probably the shock. His hands had nothing to do with it. Just the shock of nearly drowning, not those soft, warm hands with slender fingers, just shock…
“Well, I was. But the dolphins took me in, when the dogs threw me out.”
She was starting to feel a little chilled now, the cold of the water seeping into her bones. At least she was clean. No more bloodstains. Alistair didn’t look like he was cold at all. He was looking at her with a slight smirk, and had apparently forgotten all about his hands holding her like that. Gently, but firmly.
“So…”he started, licking his lips. “Do you come here often?” One of his hands moved from her shoulder to the small of her back, just barely nudging her closer to him.
Slightly distracted by his lips and by his touch, she raised her eyes to his.
“Err, not really. I found it just a few weeks ago.” Unconsciously she stepped a little closer to him, as if trying to absorb his body heat.
He nodded and smiled. “Me too.”
He was slowly lowering his face towards hers, agonizingly slowly, and she had forgotten to breathe, when the cry came.
“Allira?! Alistair? By the Maker where are you? The darkspawn are attacking!”

media: fic

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