Feb 02, 2011 03:10
- 11:02:03: RT @Harkaway: New Twitter: like old Twitter, but runs on molasses and steam. It's slowpunk Twitter. #newtwitter
- 11:03:07: RT @justchristine: Overheard on the train: "He's a waffle! And I am a window, and you are a table!"
- 11:09:15: RT @Syfy: I'm giving away a #Stargate Artifacts book detailing 851 props to someone who RT this by 5pmPT on 2/6 - http://twitpic.com/3ouk0m
- 11:11:46: Reasons why I love Det. John Munch - he's like a big brother who will always have your back. #lawandordersvu
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