Jan 08, 2005 15:48
ha ha, just remembered the most stupid thing ever.
A few years back I was working in a coffee shop and we were near closing time. My mum had come early do some shopping before she picked me up, and I asked her if she wanted to have a muffin for free, cause we were going to throw them out anyway. (S - me, M- mum)
S- So which muffin do you want?
M- *ponders* hmm... I'll have the last pap smear muffin
S- okay.. *doubletake* WHAT??????
M- *unfazed* that yellow one *points*
S- *pissing myself laughing* you mean the lemon and poppyseed muffin?
However in her defence, she is part chinese and her english wasn't that excellent at the time (grew up in china), but you would think that even then, one could distinguish between a type of *muffin* and a medical procedure.
Ha ha.. now everytime we go out for coffee I ask her if she wants a pap smear muffin ;)