Apr 06, 2009 22:36
I started a new Audiobook today. It's only four discs and will be done tomorrow. It is a romance novel, sort of, and is lacking in plot even for the romance genre. It is Manhunt by Janet Evonovich. Now, granted I have not finished the book, this will be an assessment of what I have heard so far. VP of big New York corporation feels the ticking of her biological clock (at the age of 29...puleeeeease), wants a change of lifestyle and moves to Alaska because there are more men the women, thus increasing her odds of finding a husband. She has bought a house and store sight-unseen. Both are in horrible shape and her house has no running water or electricity. Ah, but have no fear, here comes the oh-so-sexy neighbor to offer a hand....and a bed. She tells him she is not interested because she has lived the daring life and wants to find a boring man to spend the rest of her life with. A boring man?! No woman wants a boring man!! Well, this guy (his name is Michael Casey but he is always referred to as Casey, which I think is a little odd. If you are an author creating a very sexy, male character, you don't give him a girl's name) finds himself greatly attracted to our aging heroine and is conveniently weathly, what with his flying all over the world and all, but not boring. He knows she wants boring but he wants her so he is always kissing her just waiting for her to finally break down. Here I must ask, if I am some girl, just moved to Alaska, staking a tent into my property because my house is infested with rodents, am I going to let the annoying but hot neighbor crawl into my tent on the first night, grab me, kiss me, and tell me to go to sleep without putting up some kind of fight? Probably not....but Alex (yes, that is the girls name. Don't ask me why the girl is Alex and the boy is Casey.) thinks it's cool and lets him. And it doesn't stop there, She tells him no verbally, but turns to butter every time (and it is a lot of times) his lips touch hers...ah, such poetry. So, I haven't finished but, call my psychic, I think I know how it ends. I hope Alex, the girl, and Casey, the boy, are very happy together.