May Update

May 30, 2015 06:04

The beautiful weather continues.  With the dogwood in bloom here's the view from my living room:

Bea still doesn't really seem like herself. This is worrisome. I have an adjustment scheduled for her next week and I'm trying to learn a bit about massage. There's nothing overtly wrong and she plays and flings herself about but she's different. In my neurotic moments I wonder if she's decided she doesn't like agility anymore and she just wants to play Squirrel Stalking. This is a game of intense and prolonged concentration followed by bursts of speed and loud vocalizations. Only on three occasions has she had success but she lives in hope. Lucky for me the only squirrels left in the yard are the smart ones.

Had a day of Dottie work. I have to say again, I'm amazed by Gary's skill, knowledge, and problem sovling ability. It is so different than what I can do. Let's just say that if working on this trailer was an intelligence test, I'd fail. But I take direction well.

Here are the girls in their x-pen waiting while we work.

The front window shield is now done and I think it's so beautiful. Here are the side brackets which lift it. Gary figured out a way to reconfigure them so they could be mounted on the inside and be mostly invisible. Wow.

Meanwhile on the home front, I had cleaned, painted and "cutefied" a nasty old gardening shed.



The grass is green and summer is almost here.

bea, yard, dottie

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