*fanfare and such*

Mar 12, 2007 23:32

guess what, kids?! I'M FINALLY ALL CAUGHT UP ON NARUTO!!! that's right! with the exception of two non-canonical tv specials, i've seen all there is to see so far!!!! when the new fansub comes out this weekend (i HOPE!), i'll be watching it with the rest of the fandom. YAY! so as promised, i have returned to the land of LJ that i have neglected for so long. and i've been trying to catch up on my other TV shows that i've been missing for the past week or two. i still have a veronica mars or two to go and half of an L word and at least two romes, but DAMMIT i will conquer them tomorrow. don't hate me, sweet flist, but i think i might start watching bleach also. and will more than likely have to catch up with it's 118-and-counting episodes. hee! love me! ;)

so thanks to a kick ass tax return and working my ass off, i was actually able to get a little ME! shopping done this week!

okay like for serious. first of all, i won two hello kitty necklaces on ebay. i had won one previously from the same seller. check 'em:


this one came today!! :D i guess this is as good a time as any to explain that i have an affinity for foxes. if i could have one as a pet, i would. i <3 them so!

waiting for this one to show up. again, i guess this is as good a time as any to explain that i also have a deep love for lotus flowers. and yes this has a lot to do with their spiritual significance. but yeah. can't wait for it to arrive.

and i also got myself a pair of puma sneakers! a coworker of mine gets a discount through his GF and hooked me up! plus ern was DJing there on sunday so i had to stop by to say hi. check THEMS out!

they are sooooooooooooooo comfy! i <3 them so so so so SO much! will definitely be increasing my puma collection, i can feel it! with all the fun colors and how incredibly comfortable they are to be on my feet all day in, PLUS my gracious coworker's discount, why WOULDN'T i, right?!

last but not least, i did a little shopping @ torrid. nothing huge, but check what i'm a-gettin' shipped to me:

(says "Anything Boys Can Do, Girls Can Do Better".) i already have a shirt very similar to this, but i don't damn care. comic book heroines never get enough love! i also used to have a shirt with the same slogan on it when i was 3. i was BORN a feminist, man!)

because i am both irish and an insane hello kitty fan. i will rock this tee all year round. WATCH ME.

HOW HOT IS THIS HOODIE?!?!?! it says "Tainted Love" in a repeating pattern and has these bitchin' lookin' little ray guns thrown in there too! i'm probably going to wear this to see Bloc Party at the end of the month. WOOT!

honestly, i needed some new socks. and they were on sale. yes, i have an official Hello Kitty problem. i know. i'm seeking out a 12 step program.

because strawberries are ALWAYS cool on socks! this has to be the fourth or fifth pair of strawberry socks i've owned in my lifetime. i wear 'em out!

so cute and so cheap! this bag was $20!! and those aren't just regular polka dots. OH NO! they're tiny skulls & crossbones!! OH YEAH! i <3 this bag. BAD.

can't get the bag and NOT get the matching wallet! my dearest darlingest vera bradley wallet has officially gotten EMBARRASINGLY dirty. it's time to retire it for a while. maybe i'll clean it somehow and trot it out again someday. it IS in my favorite (now retired) pattern after all.

because LOOK AT IT! かわい!(trans: kawaii = CUTE!)
*pants* well, now that we've all sated our deep seated need for retail therapy....
ha HA! pee. (that was just for YOU, genmulder!!)

things are continuing to be good at work. on thursday of this week my self-imposed deadline hits. i'm resolved to have a talk with my manager(s), but it may be more of a state of the union than an ultimatum. i'm just a few hours shy of full time and while i still want those hours and the money and benefits that come with them, my financial situation is steadily-- however slowly-- improving. i'm able to hang on a bit longer as long as my hours remain at this level. but i want to make it known that the latest i can stay with no solid promise of a full time position is july. that gives them a little over 3 months to get me into a full time slot. CROSS YOUR FINGERS!

aaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddddddd.......... that's it! i really haven't got much to say, have i? aside from flaunting my worldly possessions. ha HA! i have off tomorrow and i'm THRILLED about it. i was out late last night/this morning? with mark & co and was at work by 10. it's been a non-stop go-getter kind of day today. it's been nice, but i'm definitely starting to loose steam at long last. bed is not far off for me.

hope you're all well. i skimmed through my flist about 200 entries back, but i'm sorry i haven't been a good commenter/return commenter. i promise to get back on that wagon!


bleach, naruto, torrid, anime, flist love, taxes, hello kitty, shopping, pumas!, oh my!, apple is love

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