okay, so i'm not REALLY drunk anymore. but i DID just get home from a night @ la casa de panto. ANYWHO, i'm so so so so so so so SO sorry, flist. i've been neglecting you. i'm still all caught up in Naruto! i'm on episode 190-ish now. only about 30 more to go! woot! but yeah, that takes up most of my time not spent @ work or at mark's. i don't even know what's happened since my last update, but i'll try to do a little recap for those who care:
- work is still going great. my self-imposed deadline is rapidly approching, but i have moderately high hopes for the end result of the conversation i'm going to have w/my managers at that time based on the last staff meeting we had. i was kinda sorta showcased along with 2 other employees as being shining examples of employee-hood. yay me! that's such a big swich from our last staff meeting, and not an unwelcome one.
- partied it up with my coworkers to wish good luck to a departing coworker. it was a ball
- have continued with learning japanese! and i've even taken it to the stage of attempting to learn how to read it! i've learned the kana for the syllables "no" "to" "de" "shi" "a" and "ku". i'm pretty proud. :D
and now i'm going to go to bed. well, more accurately, i'm going to watch the next episode of naruto while i pass out. it's all filler eps at this point, but the completist in me won't settle for skipping ahead, as much as these episodes are kinda lame comparatively speaking.
much much love and i promise to come back to a more regular posting schedule as soon as i'm done catching up with this series. REALLY.
miss you guys, hope you're all well.