Feb 13, 2005 18:09
Sooo I had to work today b/c it’s my weekend, which means that Marvin was working too. So everything was good until we got into the dish room…as usual. So I was standing there doing dining room and he comes in and is like “I’m gonna start calling you molasses” soo I was like mmmk…lol so we finished dining room and he brought in a cart…and he’s like “help me do this until Amanda gets in here” so i started clearing trays…and I had the hose out trying to get the food down the tray thing into the garbage disposal…and he thought it would be funny to put a tray in front of the stream of water…yeah, kinda backfired on him and splashed up in his face…so he was standing there w/ this look on his face and I had the bright idea that I was going to get him back for all the times he got my shirt all wet in the last 2 weeks…soo I totally sprayed him in the face and got the front of his shirt all wet…well then he grabbed the hose and sprayed the side of my leg and I was like “alright alright I’m done lol” (the whole time this is going on we’re both just cracking up…idk…I can’t really describe the relationship…its not flirting but yeah…lol) soo then we’re standing there and he wasn’t paying attention so I shot his had w/ the hose…yeah, he totally soaked my entire body…not even kidding. Like, before…it’s been my shirt, or one of my pant legs….no no - every inch of me was dripping…including my hair and my socks and shoes….it’s been like 2 hours and I’m still not dry…lol. Soo yeah…I was like “I’m freezing” and he’s like “just wait, I’m gonna dump a bunch of cold water on you then push you outside” I’m like…”oooh right b/c I got you sooo wet” and he couldn’t hear what I said so he told me he was gonna start calling me “beaker” from the muppets lol…b/c apparently I was mumbling. Whatever…anywyas….I was like …”well if you do that, I’ll get strep or something again and then I’ll come back here and give it to you” …and he’s like “well idk how you’re gonna do that b/c I don’t think we’re gonna be swapping any spit” soo I was like “yeah, well i don’t have to kiss you to give you strep” lol…yeeah…this is long and rambling but I wanna write it all down b/c I think its funny..lol…soo we finally stopped spraying each other b/c jerry came in and was laughing but he told us “no more water fights” soo yeah. I walked out in the kitchen to put some plates away…and mark was totally bent over w/ his rear up in the air and his crack was hanging out…..lol…like 2 inches…and it was nasty. So I went back in the dish room and made a gagging noise and Marvin laughed and was like “what?” I’m like….”marks butt is hanging out like this much!!” lol…so being Marvin, he’s like “Well why are you looking?” I’m like…b/c it was up in the air? Lol…and yeah…idk…there are 2 marks @ work and I didn’t know which one had which last name so Marvin was like…”mark e. is the one whose ass crack is always hanging out” it was funny…lol…then he’s like “well maybe he was waiting for someone to go stick their finger in it…” lol….aand I just kinda rolled my eyes and walked away. Sooo then there was some other conversation going on and he kept bombing me the the maraschino cherries at me…lol…but tonight I was doing it right back…it was fun.. then Brandi came in and saw me totally dripping and she’s like “Marvin! What did you do? “ lol…soo she’s like “do you want me to bring the fan in here for you?” soo yeah…she set it down and Marvin’s like “ooo Susannah’s(one of my 500 nicknames) getting a blow job from the fan” lol…it was special to say the least…then we were getting ready to leave and he took my keys and was playing w/ the light I have on them…and he’s like “this is sweet…don’t tell me you have Sirius radio in your car..” I’m like “nope it’s from the auto show” and he’s like “well you should give it to me” and then he wouldn’t give me my keys so I was practically bear hugging him trying to get them back and I pinched his arm and he’s like “was that supposed to hurt” sooo he finally gave them back..lol…and then we’re getting ready to leave and he kept saying “hey you should let me have that light” like 50 times and I’m “lemme think about it…NO…I’m still wet from you” and he turned around and gave me this grin and I knew where he was gonna take that…and he’s like “exactly, that’s why you should give it to me…b/c I have that effect on you” lol…it was special. Then we get out in the parking lot and he was parked in a different lot so I thought I’d escaped him…oh definitely not. I started my car and he comes flying down the lane and stopped right behind me…soo I got out and threatened to throw my frozen bottle of pop at his windshield…and then I just stared at him until he moved…lol..it was sweet….i’m kinda sad b/c I don’t work w/ him or Amanda for like 2 weeks…b/c he’s on vacation this week and then I just don’t work w/ him next week b/c he’s working mon & thurs…and Amanda’s taking vacation too…soo it kinda sucks b/c we have so much fun when it’s the 3 of us...but at least I’ll get to work w/ Elisha a couple times...i’m not gonna get into why I don’t like working w/ other people but yeah. omg …so mark ( the butt crack guy..lol) does pots & pans…yeah…he definitely cleared out his sink and went in the break room @ freakin 6:00…what the heck…we don’t even get done serving ppl in the dining room until like 5:45…yeah…then he sat in the break room until 8!! And there were definitely things he could be doing b/c we didn’t get all the silverware wrapped b/c we had 3 super full carts b/c a ton of the normal dining room ppl weren’t there b/c they have some upper respiratory thing….so yeah…but its all good b/c jerry was like “oh I’ll definitely be talking to him about this, b/c there is plenty he could’ve been doing…” alllrighty….i’m done hopefully this was at least a little entertaining lol...i'm sorry...i have nothing else to talk about...oh here's something exciting...i don't have to go back to piano until like march 4th b/c my teacher is gonna be in floriday :-D ok i'm freakin starving b/c i haven't eaten since like 1