Hooligans aka Gobshite

Jan 15, 2008 00:41

So, here is a movie with a cover very much reminiscent of the cover of Resevoir Dogs, except without the colors, and a british slang term in the title, and a description that says it's Resevoir Dogs meets Snatch. Too good to be true, right? So I passed it over and went and picked up some other movie. Same as next week. The third week, temptation and curriosity got the best of me, and so I picked up the movie which I shall refer to as Gobshite. They never actually say the word hooligans, but they DO say gobshite.

There's the first thing I noticed and liked about the movie. Accents. Wait, no, the FIRST thing I noticed and liked about the movie was the rating. It was rated I for Irish, with a clarification that it contained excessive violence and should not be viewed by the English. I mean, how cool is that?

So, the movie's about English gangsters pulling a heist in Skerry, a small town narth of Dublin. Did I say narth? The accent's contagious sometimes you know. Anyway, so, to be a good gangster movie, you have to have one crazy cool, badass bad guy. They had that. He was badass, alright, despite the dumb mustache. Only, he didn't quite have the charm I thought he ought to, didn't quite feel like a real person...

The thing I didn't like about the movie was that sometimes it suffered from bad acting. The unconvincing bad guy, for example, seemed to be reading lines, which, well, he was, but I'm supposed to forget that, you know? His facial expressions were good, and he has a fairly nice ass for a 50-something-year-old.

The plot was fun, a few twists and turns, and a good ending twist, which I always enjoy... however, I would not be inclined to compare it to Snatch. After snatch, this thing was about as straightforward as, uh... a very straightforward thing. It's late, give me a break.

Overall I would say the movie's fun, but it tries too hard to be cool, you know? And now, some arbitrary ratings for those who'll want to know!

Noir: 5-10. I would consider scams and gangsters and stuff to warrant some noir ratings
Slash: 3-10. While no one had any particular chemistry, well, one doesn't move to Bermuda with one's casual male friend, does one.
Hardcoooooreness: 7-10. Gangsters, man, gangsters.
Sweeney-Todd referenciness: How do you rate this one? It gets 10-10, for having one good reference.
Who'm I leaving out... well, probably a few people. If you want to see your own rating for the next review, let me know!


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