these things that i have done

Jan 31, 2010 19:19

Thursday in ground school we learned all about all of the weather services available to pilots around the country. Heads up, aviation is a lot of paper work and not-just-flying-stuff, if you're not flying your own plane. We learned how to call for a Standard Weather briefing before take-off. The number is 1-800-WX-DURATS...I think...My flight instructor, Hiro, called in and we all listened and attempted to take down all of the information the briefer gave us, and all pretty much failed. Then he made one of us call in and do the same thing. Nobody wanted to do it, so millions of cell-phone excuses were made in attempt to avoid selection for the task. Finally, Nathan took the initiative and called in for us, but he didn't even tell the briefer he's a student and to please speak slowly. As a result, the briefer went all out of order and was speaking so fast he lost us all in the first two seconds and all we could do afterward was laugh about our miserable attempts to write down the briefing. Our homework is to call them ourselves, and Hiro doesn't think we'll do it, but I surely will because I care more than most people in our class. But it is scary.

Then Hiro reminded us that we are almost done which means our test is coming up. I freaked out because we are planning our cross-country trips soon and I haven't studied at all at all. It's looking like our test will be in mid-March. I can't believe it's almost over!

Friday morning I dragged myself out of bed at 7:15 (earliest ever) and caught the bus with Lauren and Laura to my first day of work as a receptionist at JILA on campus. Lauren showed me all the ropes she could think of, and then we settled down. It should be a fun, not-too-demanding job, and I get to see Lauren for sure every Friday morning!

After work I went down to Denver to get my third HPV shot. I am fully guarded now :) Then my mom, brother and I went to meet my new baby cousin, Melanie, who is a month old today! She is uber tiny, only 7 pounds. But evidently she is eating more now, so she should grow soon. I got to feed her and hold her and I want oooooooooooonnnnnnne.

Blues party at Adin's in Estes last night. Super fun, as usual. Tried to seduce an unusual number of people, to no avail, but that is ok. I slept in a bed with Kevin, and finally, of course, we hooked up. BUT, shattering all of my hopes and dreams, he is terrible at everything, as one will be when one isn't even a good kisser. Alas, I will never do that again, even though he is my favorite dancer and sexy still. Sucks for him.

Now, to swig some tequila with a Russian friend and off to Qdoba for dinner with Tyler, because the looser lost a bet and owes me dindin. Then maybe I will go over to Tucker's and have some cuddle time.
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