Jan 16, 2009 22:53
So we had a snow day today. Kinda awesome. But i missed him. Thats wrong actually. I don't think i missed HIM exactly but i missed anticipating seeing him and thinking bout him and wondering what he was thinking and everything like that. And i think thats what i miss most about those long lost loves of boys: the wonder and the flirt. I do miss the hand holding, too, of course but you didn't need to be dating to hold hands. Hell, the only times i've ever held hands with somebody was times that i wasn't dating them. But i've never dated anybody so... maybe that doesn't count. And maybe thats another factor. The fact that i have never had an actual full fledged boyfriend? Yeah it's true. It's not like guys don't like me and im extremely hideous or anything like that. I don't even know what the real reason is. It's just that whenever i get close to a guy and we talk about dating and going out and being a couple, it somehow gets screwed up. I can thank the combination of his parentals and mine for the first screw up but i don't even know what happened to the second one. Every other guy in between just turnd out to be a jerk or too creepy. Another thing about my dating style? It's always the younger guys. Never has it been somebody in my grade or older than me. They're always younger and i don't even know why. Maybe it's because all the guys in my grade are just wrong to me or maybe its because im younger at heart but it has always been somebody younger. Oy im tired lol so i think i'll sleep. Will return tomorrow to finish.