Fun at the DMV, and other bits as well.

Dec 29, 2005 20:03

I have finally achieved ID!  Well, sort of.  I lost my passport a few weeks ago, the only form of proper ID I had.  So, today, after my interview, I headed to the DMV down on Greenwich Street and figured I'd try to get my learner's permit.  After seeing the line, I decided that I'd just get a non-driver's and take it from there.  Half an hour on line waiting to get my picture taken, then another 10 minutes at the window while the woman behind the desk pretended she didn't know what all my various forms of ID were (blatant lie, since they were all pretty self frickin' explanatory), and then over an HOUR waiting to get a temporary card, which I promptly left at eleanor 's house, where I stopped to try and cheer up a glum mama, and scarf down a lamb gyro (which, actually, ended up cheering her up, as I was assaulted by Norton the cat on the table,  Morgan the dog begging from the floor, and Ellie the person who should know better just reaching into my plate!).  I then watched an episode of seaQuest 2032 (the third and final season of the show) while she got dressed to go out.  I was supposed to go out and meet someone tonight, but I'm too tired.  I should probably call him, actually.

I've also decided not to go to this party late tonight.  I think it would be strange and uncomfortable for me, and I'm mostly worried about being out on LI that late.  It's my friend's party.  He's going to go ahead and drink a whole lot, which is to be expected, and I don't want to have to rely on him to get me home in one piece.  That's not really fair to either of us.  Plus, if I take the LIRR back home from the Island at 3am, I'd have to walk through Jamaica to the E train, which is not something I'd like to do.  I'll invite him out tomorrow for the NYers meeting, and if he stops by for a drink that's great.  If not, we'll meet for coffee some other time.  I don't want to end up having to stay out on the Island with him, is all, and I don't want him coming back to Queens and needing to stay with me.  Now, I doubt that this is what he's all about, I don't get that feeling, but my instinct is telling me that this party is no bueno for me to be showing up at.

So, with that, I'm off to put on my jammies and settle in for another exciting night of seaQuest tapes that I've dug out of a box.  Man, I could be going out to a party and surrounded by men, and instead I'm watching reruns of some lame-ass sci/fi show. . .starring Jonathan Brandis, no less!  Oh, but how I loved me some Jonathan Brandis. . .I was sort of sad when he'd hung himself a couple of years ago, like a fond piece of my childhood was gone. 
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