Things are starting to look up a little bit. Jason promised me he'd send me money out of the trust fund, after lecturing me for 45 minutes about school and how I talked about wanting to put that money aside to save it for school (which isn't true, that's what they wanted) but after that, simply asked me how much I needed. He was supposed to go to the bank on Saturday, but I have no way of knowing if he really did or not, since he was going to call me and he never did. But it certainly never got wired to me, like I thought it would, and so he's going to get another phone call from me tonight about the fact that I have no money, and he needs to send it yesterday! ConEdison gave me an extention until tomorrow to pay them, since I'd expected to have the money today, so I've borrowed the money to pay them and will pay back my kind benefactor as soon as I get the money from the trust. I've also realised that if it hadn't been for my friends here in the city, seriously, I'd have been out whoring underneath the Queensboro bridge in order to support myself. So, really, I'd like to just say thanks to you all, who've read my whining and sniveling, and offered kind words or more in return. Sometimes the kindness means more than anything else ever could.
I have an interview with yet another temp agency tomorrow morning, but it's the house agency for Citigroup and Smith-Barney. I don't particularly want to work in places like that, but you know, they start paying at $15 an hour for admins, so whatever. It'll be my equivilant of whoring, I guess. And I'll be earning money more like I was making when I was working full time, as opposed to what I'm making here, which I was able to live on 4 years ago when my rent was $575 including utilities! Then, tomorrow evening after work I have an "exploratory conversation" at the GAP offices downtown, thanks to
leahpia77 . She'd submitted my resume for a position, and they've called me to just come in and talk to them. I somehow doubt they'll hire me on the spot, but it's a foot in the door and I have experience in the fashion industry, so at least there's that. I've come to realise that I kind of miss fashion. I mean, I'm certainly not the most fashionable person in the world, and I never worked for anyone glamorous (though I could have if Bill Blass hadn't fired me, the bastards!), but it was hectic and exciting, and I always learned something. I'm not getting that sitting at a front desk with really no contact for $12/hour.
I have Girl Roommate's birthday party this weekend (I've got to find a different name for her that's not mean!). I'm actually looking forward to it, even if I'm going to be drinking straight up Coke all night. I'm fond of her, even if she's taken my life into her hands on several occasions, and I didn't hate living with her until Boy Roommate (again, need new name!) came to stay for a weekend and never left. It'll be nice to see her, even if she's pressuring me to take a job at the mall for the extra money, which I'm starting to think I'm going to have to do. . .
Finally, today's my last day of antibiotics. I still don't feel 100%, but I'm feeling much better, and the swelling in my throat is nearly gone! I've even lost some weight, since I couldn't really eat much for a week. So I'm going to go to church tonight to give some thanks for the beginning of the evening out of things, and then hit the gym and my bed.