After a rough morning of high temperatures again, my fever is finally down again and I'm feeling more human. I even managed an English Muffin with jam, which is saying something considering I can't really talk without wanting to cry. My throat still hurts like a bitch, though, making eating, drinking, talking, laughing, even yawning hurt like nothing else. And I'm coughing a lot, which just adds to the hurt. So today I'm taking Tylenol and ibuprofin in tandem, at the suggestion of
mommaof5320 , to combat both fever and pain. I learned yesterday that popcicles count as meals when you're sick, and can take my antibiotics with them if I can't stomach anything else. I'm set on Gatorade, after a mission out to buy some at the corner store, but I'm nearly out of Tylenol, which may mean suiting up to go to Walgreens later, and I've realised in the past few days of practically starving that solid food really is the way to go in life. . .
Thank you all so much for your suggestions and your nice wishes! I'm feeling better today, better enough to even go to work tomorrow. (Heh. I'll try not to sound so darn excited, wear my fragile self out.)