Aug 17, 2007 23:27
So as I am bored at home, I started thinking as I do...which for me is probably never a good thing. But at any rate I have noticed that for the most part I don't have very many "real" conversations anymore. But I think that its widepread and not just me. By real I mean an honest to goodness conversation, give and take, not just mouthing niceties or giving standard pat answers. Getting underneath the polite layer most people answer with, or really finding out a detail why not neccessarily important adds more to the complexity of a person. With strangers its expected, its what people do. But with friends it strikes me as odd that it is so commonplace. People I think have gotten too "fast food" here is an answer, there you go. No time for anything else. or maybe its me, always a possibility. But I generally consider myself to be a good listener and if giving an opinion there is some logic or strong emotion behind it. So I don't think I put off too many people. Well perhaps I do, because when I do talk passionatley perhaps I come across as to intense. I don't know. Perhaps people are just too busy these days. Everyone has something going on, which is good, except for me i guess. Need to pick up more hobbies I suppose. Thank god football season is starting up, then I can be mindless with a reason!