"Look who's sexy licking their paws. Watch out though 'cause bitch has got claws."
Definitely my song of the month. Took me months to find because mislabeled it when they played it. Wish I could find an mp3/cd as well as the lyrics in text, 'cause I just plain can't understand digitized speech half the time. Think the one I heard was a little more dancy/mixed too. *shrugs*
My keyboard is deciding to die. It's amazing how crippling missing a few letters can be. Hae to buy a new one tomorrow as things close ery early on Sundays. Obiously tu_xyz is a letter I'm missing. :P I also lack exclamation points/number one and the windows key.
San Diego/California is definitely turning out to be an interesting place to reside. Especially with how (almost creepily) friendly random people in public can be. In Milwaukee people are cold and robotic and resigned to their specific tasks, here you'll run into weird black guys riding bicycles in parking lots telling others not to be haters and spouting random one-liners, and getting stopped in grocery stores by fellows who want to tell you all about their shirt collection from tokyo because they like your shirt. xD
Also the delay of the digital tele thing is stupid. If you're a "confused consumer" at this point you should be left behind and stop bothering with the tele and just listen to the radio. >.>