Trying to get into the habit

Feb 26, 2009 21:22

I really want to go to bed, but my mom somehow got me to babysit my brother. Not that I don't love hanging out with him, cause I really do, but I had other plans and she just called me and was like, I need you to come get him right now. Which is fine, I'll go to the gym and go shopping a different day I guess. We're watching Prince Caspian, because he'd never seen it.

He's coming over tomorrow too, because my mom needs a break and he's supposed to go to his dad's but, as per usual, his dad flaked on him again. At least this time I offered to take him. It will be kind of fun, cause I'm usually alone on Friday nights. We can hang out and make treats and stuff, so he'll think I'm awesome. I need more people who think I'm awesome.

Anyway, I guess Jon (Brayd's dad) is freaking out. His wife called my mom the other day and was like what is with him? Is he always so mean and horrible? If you don't know the story, she got roped into marrying him last April, because she was stupid enough to get pregnant. Anyway, she ended up losing the baby in about the middle of the pregnancy, but by then, they were already married. I might add that he was romantic enough to get it done drive through style in Vegas. What an ass. So, anyways, she hardly knew him at the time and she is a really awesome girl otherwise. She was pretty active in the church until Jon got involved in her life. Well like all stupid naive Mormon girls, she thought she could turn him about. It seems what has actually happened is he's become about 8 times as mean as he was when he lived with us (which was mean enough to get both me and my oldest brother to move to our dad's).

I guess he started drinking again, and he is mean to her and her 6-year-old son, and quite more than a little physically abusive with both of them. If that weren't enough, he swears and talks horribly around little Johnny, her 6-year-old son. As if all that weren't horrid, it turns out he has been talking to this crazy chick (and when I say crazy, I mean...super super crazy, like call my mom 100 times in one day because she thought Jon talked to her too long kind of crazy, but I digress) in Florida that he got into a similar situation with about a year before Angie. Well, he didn't tell her he was married, and she called the house one day and Angie answered, and she flipped out, as one would expect a crazy chick to do.

Well, after all this and I'm sure there's probably more to the story, Angie wanted my mom's opinion on what to do. Well my mom actually really likes Angie and feels bad that she got mixed up with Jon in the first place. She told her that her baby dying might have been a blessing, so she wouldn't have to be attached to Jon. Angie said she thought she was horrible for thinking the same thing, but you know, it might be true. She could get out now and not have to worry about any sort of ties to him. I think she should. I would.

For all of that, I'm really glad that Braydon is spending the night over here tomorrow instead of his dad's, though I'm sure he curbs the behavior when his kids are around. I really hope he gets over himself and starts being a decent human being, but the outlook seems grim.

I adore my husband for not being abusive and scary and genuinely trying to be the best and do the best things for me. I completely lucked out, because I honestly can't say I feel I deserved that. He has never ever said anything remotely unkind towards me, let alone anything that could be construed as abusive or manipulative. I've had so much of that in my life that I am really able to appreciate the lack. Well...that's about as much gooshy crap as I can stand at one time.
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