The next world war will take place on myspace.

Feb 24, 2009 12:14

I've decided that my internet activity is somewhat voyeuristic. I keep telling myself that when people don't friend protect things, I'm allowed to look, but I still feel like I am doing something wrong. Its just nice to know people are still talking about me sometimes. I think about certain people every single day, even though I haven't seen them in a year or more in some cases. I desperately miss Cameron and I know I'd feel a little better if I just knew he was okay and doing well and happy. Its the not knowing that kills me. I want him to care what is going on with me too, but I can't force that. I shouldn't expect to still be in contact with the one person who was my best friend for most of my life, but I do expect it.

There are others who are still there, but might as well not be. We're keeping up appearances for the sake of the past, but the past is gone and we aren't the people we were when we were friends or lovers and pretending to still be interested when cornered is worse than just moving on.

I'm alone a lot, because my husband is busy with school and work, and I don't blame him for that. I just end up with a lot of time to think about people and watch Gilmore Girls. Don't get me wrong, I love being married. I am just looking forward to both of us being done with school.

I'm not completely over whatever hormonal imbalance was caused by the birth control I was on, and my moods are funky to understate the situation. I've been off it for a month and a half and its getting better, but I'm more than reluctant to try something else. I'm also reluctant to be pregnant though, so something has to be done. I just want to be back to normal.

I am not putting the effort into this semester that I should be. I don't know how to convince myself that it would be a bad idea to flunk a class my last semester. I think I'll be okay, but I won't get the grades I want. I am so desperate to graduate. I don't know what I'm going to do once that happens, but I just need to get to that point.

I am starting to dislike my job, but not enough to quit. I've gotten better at saying no and working when I decide I want to. They still call me a lot to work extra, but I only do it if I really have time. I've decided not stressing myself out with the limited time I have anyway is a good thing and its better than the money I'd make working extra.

Speaking of work, I really should be doing that right now. I just needed to type something that wasn't medical for a little while.
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